Chapter 23

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Arthur was love sick.

The dream never faded.

Why did it feel so real.

We aren't done.

Arthur shivered. Those words. They kept appearing in his mind. Every time he wondered why the school was such a vivid memory.

Arthur had gone back to being the outcast of his village. Pale, with sharp green eyes and thick brows. Not to mention his wild locks of hair that stuck out here there and everywhere.

Not to say that Arthur wasn't handsome in his own way but he wasn't like everyone else. They had warm skin and rosie cheeks. Doe-eyes and the constant fear of anything new.

In this life Arthur's family had abandoned him here. Thinking he was dead. Now the village had welcomed him... he couldn't leave. A Barrier surrounded the woods. Arthur had tried many times to break it. He wanted out of here. He wanted to go anywhere. He wanted to go home. Where he would have his family and belong.

A piece of him wanted to find Alfred. But how could he. He wasn't real. Nothing was real in that dream.

We aren't done.

"OH SHUT UP!" Arthur yelled. The villagers around him gave him more strange looks. He looked back at them. "Piss off." He walked away stuffing his hands in his pockets.

Arthur had been taken in by an old man at the time. He was raised terribly seeing as the man could barely look after himself. But who else wanted to babysit the pale brat.

Arthur had to raise himself. He read books on manners and etiquette of gentlemen. He learned how to buy food by watching other people. He did jobs for people and got little bits of money he saved to go food shopping when he could.

The man died when Arthur was 10. No one cared. Arthur looked fine so they assumed he was. But if he was anyone else they would of helped.

Arthur walked to the barrier and placed a hand to it. He wobbled like water in a bathtub, rippling the forest behind it. He held back tears as his head tilted down. He sucked it up and gave it a hard kick. "Fuck you. Fuck everyone!" He yelled at the barrier. "I hate everyone! I hate them all. Please let me go, please!"

We aren't done.

"I know! Just leave me alone." He punched the and kicked the barrier till there was a noise, like lightening. He stepped back. His eyes wide and wet with tears. He did it again and there was another. He kept kicking and hitting as more of the noises escaped then he stopped. For a moment he thought the dumb wall had broke but no... he took heavy breaths, panting.

He sighed. Arthur ended up going home. But he felt sick to his stomach. He thought of dying alone here and it hurt and haunted him. But he must of finally excepted it because he words stopped. That sentence, it stopped. He was relieved but maybe there was something more and hitting the barrier, fucked everything over. Two Weeks he'd had that voice, those words in his head and now they've stopped.

He grabbed a book on farming and carried it to his little pond, he sat and opened it slowly. It was boring. As he expected but he had to learn how to farm at some point. Good it didn't look so difficult when you got the idea.

Arthur was too consumed to hear the all the nonsense going on around him until he heard heavy footsteps and panting coming towards him. Weird that snapped him out of his book. Maybe he was just so desperate for friends that his head only let that in. He smiled at how silly he was then turned.

A young brunette girl with ringlets that jumped everywhere with her footsteps was coming towards Arthur. "Are you alright?" He raised a brow. He wondered if she just wanted to see the pond but her bright blue eyes that were set on Arthur said other wise. She was definitely the Millers daughter or something.

"A-Arthur!" She called out of breath. "Arthur..." she gulped down air as she stopped, placing her hands on her knees. "T-there's a crazy guy on a horse. I dunno how he got in here... he must of broke the barrier. But he's asking for you."

Broke the barrier. Arthur could run. He could run as fast as he could. He would find his home. It couldn't be far. But something strange was occurring someone was asking for him directly. "Okay..." he stood up slowly.

"He's crazy. He has all these blue fancy clothes. Like the seamstress' family wears but much more fancy. And he had blonde hair and real pretty eyes. They're like mine too. And he has like a pair of spectacles. I think I've only ever seen old people with spectacles bu- hey! Arthur! Don't run without me!"

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