Chapter 17

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The night of the ball has arrived. I spent all day getting myself ready, physically and mentally. Now I am.

Alfred took a breath. He checked himself in the mirror. He looked himself again. At long last. But it was true, he missed Arthur. But inside he knew he shouldn't because he felt the only thing Arthur wanted to do was kill him. He felt it. He knew it.

Alfred put his sword in its hilt and put on his most Prince Charming smile.

The hall was crowded. Student from both schools filled it. Arthur spent the night with his friends. He kept an eye out at the same time. An hour late, Arthur finally made an appearance. "Come on now." Mathias laughed watching Alfred's serious face. "Leave the Never alone. Just because no one has seen him for a while doesn't mean he's out to get you." The Dane laughed. Alfred sighed and looked away, "You're right." He smiled.

Arthur looked so handsome. He wished none of what had happened had existed, he wanted to be the one who spent the night with Arthur on his arm. His beautiful eyes and hilarious eyebrows that gave him so much character. He wanted to kiss him.

Alfred looked back, he saw Arthur stalking up behind Michelle. He held a knife in hand. "Oh no... oh no!" He grabbed Mathias' arm and pointed it out. The Dane began  sprinting almost immediately with Alfred following behind. He pulled out his sword, that's when Alfred saw it. Arthur didn't have the knife in a position ready to stab. He was handing it to her. "MATHIAS WAIT!" He yelled too late. The Brit lifted the knife and blocked he sword.

Michelle turned and screamed. Mathias stared Arthur in the eye with an angry expression. "It's okay Michelle I-I've got you..." the Brit said shakily, a worried look in his face. But Alfred looked into his eyes. He was lying, he had planned this. Mathias almost keeled over with a loud groaned he dropped the sword. He curled up on the floor.  Arthur smiled and turned "your knife you wanted, my lady." She took it shakily. "T-thank you..." she looked down at the cake she was wanting to slice and share. "B-but I don't think I need it." She put a hand to her head as she stared down at the Dane in panic. "Is he okay?" She got down at his sighed only to be pushed in front of by another body. It was Lucas.

"I-idiot!" He flipped him over. His handsome face was replaced with a wrinkled one. Teeth missing and Greasy hair that had flopped from its usual spiked style. Michelle backed up. "What the-" "Arthur... you said it would be Alfred not Mathias. You're a liar." Lucas looked up at Arthur. The Brit shrugged in reply. "Well, That's just how it ended up... didn't it."

Arthur's stubborn hair that sticked up was soon flattened down, his eyebrows reducing to a beautifully sculpted pair and his pale skin turned to a soft tan. Alfred's eyes widened and he stepped back. "W-what did you do? What is this?" He yelled staring at the man he loved... he almost couldn't recognise him.

"Evil Attacks..." he smiled.
"Good defends."

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