Chapter 2

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10 Years Later

"Come to the market with me, Arthur." Francis demanded banging on Arthur's front door. "No not today. Ask tomorrow. I'm busy." Arthur replied quickly. Francis knocked again, "GO AWAY FROG! I'm barricading the door!" Arthur spat from the other side of the door.

Francis gently pushed the door handle down and the door swung softly open. "Barricade you say? I think you all talk and no walk, Kirkland." Francis laughed. Arthur narrowed his emerald eyes at the Frenchmen. "Arthur, you've been old enough to to be taken by the school master for years now. Why would he suddenly want you now?" Francis raised a thin brow taking a steep into the crooked house.

"I'm taking precautions, Frog!" Arthur hissed grabbing a stick his younger brother had left in the floor. "See I'm armed." Arthur smiled cunningly waving the stick proudly. Francis nearly toppled over in laughter. "SHUT IT!" Arthur screeched dropping the stick as he balled his fists in rage.

Francis sighed wiping the stray tears from his perfect eyes. "Oh. How you will woo the ladies. Make sure not to bring a stick along to any future dates." Francis chuckled, still recovering from his over dramatic fit of laughter. "Why do you have to always make everything about love." Arthur rolled his eyes as he knocked Francis' shoulder stropping past and out the door.

"It's my forté!" Francis flicked his blonde hair as he followed after Arthur, shutting the door behind him. "Ha, well. I have no interest in it, what so ever. If you want to talk about it so much, find another friend. It would be easy enough for you." Arthur sighed, rolling his eyes again. It was very common for him to do that.

"Your just jealous because you can't make friends. I only hang out with you to make you feel better. I'm such a wonderful person." Francis chuckled, "I could make friends if I want to." Arthur clenched his teeth as he kept walking towards the village. "You don't get out enough. You practise magic, Your pale as a sheet and those eyebrows don't help." Francis tucked his hands into his trouser pockets, smiling at passing females.

"THESE!" Arthur stopped turning to Francis, pointing to his large eyebrows. "WERE A BACKFIRED SPELL!" He continued turning around again and carried on stalking towards the village. "And if your not careful, I'll do it to you too." Arthur whispered sneering to himself. "Yet again another empty threat, petit lapin." Francis chimed a smug look in his face.

"I'm not longer a child Francis, so please refrain from calling me such a childish thing." Arthur sighed in a saddened tone. "I know your not a child but you'll always be my small rabbit." Francis smiled. Arthur groaned, the Frenchmen found it so easy to wind the Brit up. He made it his daily task. He couldn't be polite and kind all the time.

They stopped at the local cafe and ate and drank a quick snack together. It was mostly in silence as their conversations usually ended up as fierce arguments. They were a strange pair, always seen together but always bickering. They enjoyed each other's company, Francis had no siblings and Arthur had three. Sometimes they just needed to be with someone else. If there was a best friend award these two would definitely receive it.

Arthur and Francis went to the market, The Frenchmen collecting various strange and exotic food items. While Arthur collected simple tea and some scone baking ingredients. Arthur took a seat at the cafe tables lined up outside the shop, Francis soon began to speak to some of the village girls and watched as their faces lit up when he spoke. How they're eyes sparkled and reflected Francis' face as if all that was imprinted into their minds.

Secretly Arthur wished to know such a feeling, to see someone like they were the only precious thing the world had to offer. He wanted to see his monochrome world light up like bonfire night. Bringing beauty, bringing happiness, feeling... Love. And being loved in return.

But as Arthur watched longer he noticed how the love the girls showed was fake. How they did not really love Francis. He just charmed them into thinking so. That's all love was, someone taking you and making you their property. All freedom lost as your locked into for always being with said person.

Arthur's heart wrenched as he looked down slowly. He wished to know love, but on the other hand he didn't. He wanted someone to hold him and he would do the same in return. But yet he felt a whisper in his ear, "Your mine now."

Arthur stood up quickly, knocking his chair to the ground. "Arthur?" Francis turned at the sound of the wooden chair screeching across the concrete floor of the street. "Are you alright.". Arthur didn't reply, he breathed deeply. "I need to go now." Arthur's heart raced as he ran away towards the forest, he couldn't go home. He didn't want anyone to find him, he wanted to sit alone for a while.

Arthur stopped by a small pond in a wood clearing. He perched his bottom on the grass and stared at the water.

Arthur didn't want to be owned. He didn't want to be held back by someone. Why was he even thinking of love. No one could love him. Maybe it would be better if the school master took him away. No one could love him. He was short, bossy and had no sense of control. He would fight someone even if it was childish. No one could love him.

He needed to stop. He wanted to delete the feeling from his body, his mind. He didn't want to feel it's pain. No one could love him. Arthur closed his eyes and thought of black, black, black. He re opened them slowly staring back at the shining water of the pond. He saw he reflection, he eyed it from chin up and then stared into his own eyes.

No one could love him.

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