Chapter 6

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Soon enough, Alfred was in his uniform and he thought it suited him well. He pulled his ever present letterman jacket over his shoulders and then followed his roommates to the 'Theatre Of Tales', this is where the opening ceremony plus many lessons and assemblies would take place through out the school year.
He waited in a small room by the entrance, as apparently the Princes had to make some kind of grand entrance. He took a blue rose as it was handed out.
"Thanks and all but I'm not the flower type." He joked to the brunette handing out the flowers. His hair was neat except a stubborn strand sticking up on the top of his head much like Alfred's own.
"It's to throw." He said in a thick Austrian accent as he lowered his brow at the American.
"I-I know... I was just messin' dude..." Alfred stuttered, flustered with embarrassment as the male walked away. Alfred was only with Francis now due to the fact his other two roommates had split off. Alfred didn't mind, he had already made loads of friends and he hadn't even been there long.
Alfred looked at Francis who had many roses of different colours in his arm, Alfred raised his eyebrow questioningly. "Um..."
"I'm going to make sure every beau gets one. I don't want them to feel left out, no?" Francis smiled down at his roses.
"Right..." Alfred looked down at his single rose. I guess they were just supposed to throw them and see which chick caught it. Couldn't be too hard.
The doors opened and excited chatter and squeals came from the Theatre Of Tales and the boys started to enter one at a time as there names where read.
Alfred stood behind Francis stepping forward, he tried to see into the room but could only see part of the stage and a few empty seats.
"Here I go!" Francis smiled back at Alfred as he entered, girls squealed in excitement louder then before upon his entry.
"Name?" The same Austrian boy asked as he stood next to the door with a clip board,
"Alfred F. Jones..." Alfred said holding his rose slightly tighter, as the screams died down, the boy held up his megaphone and said "Prince Alfred F. Jones of Farliva..." He spoke and Alfred stepped into the room, he was greeted by many a females standing up and jumping and squealing, he smiled the attention going to his head.
"Alright, Alright, Dudettes..." He smiled charmingly causing girls to sigh.
He stood at the back of the room and threw his rose with all the power in his arm, he must not of realised the strength he put into it as the rose flew to the evil side of the room hitting someone of the back of the head.
A few gasps were let out as the rose fell to the persons lap, the blonde looked up and stared at Alfred directly in the eyes. He could see his pricing emerald eyes from where he stood, reminding him of the river outside the school for evil...
He stopped and stared for a while watching the boy.
"You stupid yank, the least you could do is apologise. I thought you were a prince not a bloody prick!" He yelled at Alfred. Causing the evil side to snicker, the boy narrowed his gaze then looked back down at his lap.
"Yeah... Right. Soz..." The American flustered walking over and sitting in his seat quickly.
Some people told him he would be alright or that the guy was stupid. But Alfred didn't care, he just kept seeing those eyes staring at him. How beautiful and clear they were like a- ERGH SHUT UP! The jerk probably put an evil curse on him or some shit. What a total ass.
Whatever, Alfred would get them back, that Never would get what's coming to him. And he knew just how to do it...

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