Chapter 9

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The smile the boy gave him as he left the room sent a shot of anger through Arthur's spine. He couldn't tell if it was that of hate or maybe slight sadness. But why would he be sad. Stupid Yankee can suck his ass.

He huffed and sat back in his seat folding his arms. Not long after Alfred's departure a large white wolf came into the room. "Up." He growled causing Arthur to stand straight to his feet. "Follow me. You're going to the doom room." He snarled and turned walking out the room.

"D-Doom Room?" Arthur stuttered, he had no idea what it was but it didn't sound pleasant in the slightest. He quickly followed, as he did his wrist was gripped and he was soon being dragged by the colossus wolf. His breath grew heavy. Unsure of what was going on but inside he knew it was bad. He felt his hands shake and his throat grow dry. He swallowed harshly his emerald eyes wide like winter lakes.
Alfred put his hands in his pockets and whistled, clearing his mind as he followed a fairy out of the School For Evil.

"The new kid, you know the lippy one? He's off to the doom room."

Doom Room. Alfred's eyes grew huge.

"He's dead and it isn't even his first official day. That's what you get for fighting in an assembly. What a fool. Should of saved it for the trials. Too bad."

Alfred heard everything some Never students were talking about and he felt his face grow cold. He knew they were talking about Arthur. The stupid douche.

He couldn't allow Arthur to die in the doom room or be beaten. Alfred would be seen as a villain, he was the one who got Arthur in trouble and Evers aren't going to just let there little spat go. He huffed.

Stupid Brit. You're ruining my image.
He broke from the fairy and ran down the corridor.

"I guess I'm going to have to save a Never."
Arthur kept walking until he came to a dark wood door. The wolf opened it and shoves him down causing Arthur to almost slip on the wet stairs. What was this liquid, it was to thick to be water. Ergh. Arthur decided he didn't want to know.

He carefully treed down each step holding the slimy wall in disgust to stop him from falling. After what felt like an enter lifetime Arthur found himself in a dimly lit room, weapons and devices of torture lined every wall. His heart was racing now. It was dark and cold. He smelt the sickening, vile smell of damp and decay. He realised it was coming from the wood planked floor and new it could break at anytime. He certainly didn't want to know what was down below.

"Shirt off." A thick voice coughed causing Arthur to jump he turned to look at the source. A dark beast like creature, the Brit couldn't identify as a species, stood sharpening an axe. Arthur felt his skin pale as he pulled the top half of the uniform off knowing his punishment may become worse if he argued.

Just as he finished a force flung him into the wall, he had no time to yelp as he slipped to the floor and shackles latched around his wrists and ankles and he was pulled to the centre of the room.

Magic? It can't be. It didn't really exist... Did it? Arthur always thought it did but such force so powerful Arthur had never come across before so maybe this was a lot different then he had ever imagined.

The beast walked over "Such an odd child. Not really ugly off face... Apart from the brows. But look at that ugly body, so skinny, lanky. I've seen rats that look better." He tilted his head looking at the Brit, growing closer to his face. Arthur was left feeling uncomfortable but instead of fighting back he lowered his head an odd sinking feeling in his stomach. He was lacking his usual confidence.

"I know everyone of your weaknesses boy. All your fears, the stuff that will really make you scream." Arthur looked at him... It. His eyes wide and skin as pale as a sheet. "You're a little bitch. With no family except brothers that seemingly hate you and a dead best friend." He kept going, Arthur looked down. "If I killed you or..." The beast moved his hand stroked Arthur's side. "No one would know... Hm... I wonder if your big enough. Ugly of body but pretty of face." He raised his claw like hand bringing it towards Arthur. He turned away with heavy breaths but before he was touched there was a rhythmic knock on the door.

They both turned their head to the wide open door left so all the other students would hear Arthur's pain. The beast stood up and walked over and looked out the door. He looked around then walked up the stairs.

Arthur's heart started to slow down as he pulled a bit on the chains. The door shut and from behind it stepped a familiar face. "Want some help? Artie?" He wiggled his brow with a grin.

"Oh bloody hell." He huffed and looked down. "Yes, by anyone but you, Alfred F.Jones."

"You're so formal." He walked over and looked at Arthur from the front, Arthur looked up taking shaky breaths a scared look in his eyes.

Alfred swallowed his cunning grin fading. His heart sped up as he looked at the helpless boy in chains, his body pale and trembling. He couldn't do anything, he wondered what he sound like... What he- Alfred shook his head. "Let's go, Kirkland before you ruin my reputation." His finger lit up and he flicked it upwards and the shackles unlocked. Arthur sighed happily and rubbed his wrists. He stood up and grabbed his uniform.

"Now let's go before, big bad and moody shows up." Alfred walked towards the door and Arthur followed doing up his uniform.
Alfred lead Arthur from the school to half way bridge.  A bridge connecting both schools, it was used by staff or for when the students needed to go to assembly.

Alfred turned to Arthur. "So am I real princely hero now or what?"  He flashed his best smile. "I didn't need your help. I could of done that on  my own. The real question is... What was up with that finger?" Arthur pointed to Alfred's hand. "What this?" He lit his finger up it glowed a light green. "Yes..." Arthur replied looking at it.
"It's magic." He laughed "you don't know how to do that?". Arthur furrowed his brow "what? No. You're all so stupid. I hate this place." He folded his arms. "Touchy." Alfred laughed, they stood in silence for a moment. "So... I'm guessing we are friends now, right?" Alfred raised his brow trying to be charming. Arthur look disgruntled and not charmed in the slightest, "If you fucking come near me again I will slit your throat." Arthur turned and walked back into the school for evil. Alfred watched him startled "...he's nice." He rubbed the back of his neck then turned and walked off to the school for good.

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