Chapter 10

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Neither boy could sleep that night. And they were both horrified by the reasons why.

Arthur lay alone in his dorm. He had been late back, missing supper and meeting his dorm mates. Instead of going straight back to his dorm he decided he wanted to look around the evil museum. A place that was even meant to give the evil queen, nightmares. Arthur stepped carefully taking in every detail, the smells, the walls, the floors, the information and the place they were written on and the exhibits. Arthur looked at them his expression or feeling unchanging at the dead corpses and bloody tapestries. He didn't jump when Sleeping Beauty's spinning wheel magically started up again.
He imagined someone like Alfred in here, an ever he meant. Making disgusted of horrified expressions or screaming. Arthur realised that's what made him a never, the fact gore and grim didn't take its toll on him.
He didn't mind getting the power that evil possessed. He had not idea how he'd use it or how he'd really hurt someone but he liked magic. Especially some of the magic he had seen that day.
But now Arthur lay in bed thinking over everything. He realised that the things the beast had said were true.
Alfred stared at the ceiling.
How sick and dizzy he was feeling. As if he were spinning around and around with no sign of stopping. He took a breath not wanting to make any noise and wake his roommates. He felt like a burden already. He would never admit it. But the face he- Arthur started in the assembly. Whatever. Arthur... Arthur... Arthur... His heart thumbed every time the name repeated in his head. "STOP!" He yelled.
"Ah!" A voice came from the other side of the room. Alfred sat up to see Francis rubbing his pretty head. "I'm sorry I-" "Feeling home sick?" He asked with a small smirk. "Yeah..." Alfred sighed. "Me too... I miss my friend. He was a pain but he was my pain. He's in the other school. He's-" Francis stopped and stared at Alfred. "Oh. Never mind. Sleep well. Bags under your eyes won't get you some pretty ladies, mon Cher." He wafted him hand and lay back down.
Alfred was confused, he lay back down. Just hearing someone else talk had calmed him. But now he was alone. And the voices came back... he closed his eyes and thought of black.
Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop...
He was soon asleep.
Author's note: I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever after (get it 😜) but I'm going to try and update this more often. Have a happy holiday!

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