Chapter 3

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The bell rang, echoing across the silent town. Deep in slumber.

"Midnight." Arthur breathed with a sigh as he closed his tired eyes. "Francis was right... Unfortunately. I'm safe again for another year." He whispered to himself adjusting to a comfier position under his bed covers.

But just as Arthur was slipping into the world of sleep, he felt a chill in the room. It was light, had he left the window open? He felt like someone was standing over him, watching him. Reading his thoughts, his memories. Another cool breeze hit his face and the lingering feeling stopped sending chills down his back, but kept him spooked.

He sighed, maybe it was the wind. That is until he felt a cool grip wrap around his ankle. Arthur's eyes shot open, but before he could struggle he was pulled out of bed and onto the floor. A dark figure like a shadow. Looked over his shaking body. He tried to scream but with a wave of its, what Arthur thought to be, hand, no voice came. He kept trying but all he felt was the terrible pain you get from screaming to hard. No sound emerged.

The figure then pulled Arthur over its shoulder as if he were a towel and started moving swiftly. Arthur started to panic, he looked around for something, anything. He grabbed the stick he had picked up after dropping it earlier. But he did not hit the shadowed man.

As they left the house moving quickly, Arthur threw the stick at Francis' window. But he threw it with such force it smashed the ought the window. The shadow stopped looking around to see if they had been heard. Francis emerged from his home shaking his first angrily as he stood out in his satin pyjamas.

The shadow started to run again, not noticing Francis' appearance. Arthur thrashed against the shadow gaining Francis' attention. His eyes widened, "ARTHUR!" He yelled but was suddenly pulled into the ground below. What had he done. Arthur's eyes widened.

He lost sight of the town as he was suddenly fully emerged in forest. Tears ran down Arthur's face. It was all his fault. He had killed Francis, if he hadn't been so selfish and just left with no word or breaking of Windows. This wouldn't of happened. Now he was being taken from his family, his home, his friend. To never be seen again.

The branches started to stoop lower, but Arthur didn't notice. He lay against the back of the strange shadow, in defeat.

Defeat. Arthur Kirkland never gave up! What is this bollocks? Arthur would fight this fiend and return home. He could do it, he was only a shadow.

Arthur immediately lifted his head only for it to be met by a low hanging branch.


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