Chapter 11

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The weeks went on, both the boys trying their best in their new situated schools. Alfred had become a very well known Ever around the school. He was the perfect fairytale prince with his blonde hair, bright skin, award winning smile and sky blue eyes. Many of the girls in the school had tried to win him over but he couldn't get his mind off the topic of Arthur. What was wrong with him? He had started having dreams about him too. He imagined Arthur staring at him his face full of horror. It woke the boy straight up. It was getting out of hand, so... Alfred got... a girlfriend.

Beautiful Michelle, she didn't have many friends only a few of the girls but she was undeniably beautiful. Her skin was a beautiful dark tan, her eyes were soft brown and her hair was always soft and neat with bright red bows tied into it.

Alfred smiled at her, he held her hand, he kissed her cheek and stroked her hair. But it never got the Never Boy off his mind.

Soon... it was the boys favourite time of the year. CHRISTMAS! Alfred was very excited. No one could really buy anything for each other so most of it was hand made. This gave girls time to practise their embroidery skills and boys with their handyman and wood skills. Which would help them in their future fairytales most likely. Alfred had tried his best with making his presents he made everyone of his dorm mates a gift along with Michelle and a few of his friends.

Alfred also made one for Arthur. But he didn't know how to get it to him.

That's when the poster showed up.

"SNOW BALL!" Michelle squeaked almost jumping for joy. "I love balls!" She smiled brightly and Alfred tried not to laugh, Michelle looked at him confused then her eyes widened and she laughed. "Sorry. I get it." Her laugh was as pretty as she was. But it wasn't a light fluttery giggle when she was around Alfred it was a proper deep laugh like she really found something funny and wasn't pretending. That's why Alfred liked Michelle. She tried to be honest as much as she could.

"But seriously, Alfie... we have to go! It's going to be so much fun." She clapped her hands, "Yeah it does." He smiled, this would also be the perfect time for Alfred to see Arthur again.he picked up Michelle and span around slowly. "My dear, you shall go to the ball!" He said happily and she smiled brightly, laughing in return.


Across the river, Arthur's school didn't seem to be in the festive mood.

"Christmas and happiness, the celebration of love and giving. Is for pussies! That's why the School For Good celebrate it. Christmas is for the lame men who think they are actually worth something. Christmas makes them feel better about their pathetic lives. Christmas is a time for giving for the good. But evil doesn't give, it takes. That's what makes us different from Evers. Good defends, Evil attacks." The teacher stood at the front of an icy room as students were packed into the desks made of complete ice. She smiled her teeth black and broken. Making Arthur's skin crawl, and he thought he had bad teeth. It was no competition who really did.

"That is why this year, no one will be sharing gifts, if you do. You will be in the doom room. Understood?" She raised a thin brow. Everyone nodded, Arthur rolled his eyes.

"But..." the teacher continued causing everyone attention to flick back into her. "the Evers... are planning a snow ball. And as they want the schools to be more combined this year... every Never is invited." The room groaned.

Arthur's eyes widened, he couldn't see Alfred again, not again, not like this. Arthur looked at himself and tried to smooth his hair in the reflection of the ice. He looked terrible, none of the potions from uglification class had worked on him. He thought this would cause him to fail but he got an A* for being able to trick Evers into thinking he would be trust worthy.

Arthur had soon decided he hated everything about the school since the day he had arrived and so had his roommates too.

His roommates were Vladimir, who he had met before... but the two others he weren't familiar with. There was a blonde boy with bright blue eyes named Lukas and an Albino boy named Gilbert. He hadn't gotten to know Gilbert but the other two he soon became best friends with, if you could call them that. He ate lunch with them, they practised magic together and spoke of potions and ways to use magic to free themselves from the school.
This gave them the name 'The Magic Losers' from the other students, but Arthur preferred 'The Magic Trio'

Arthur looked back up at the teacher who was talking about the ball but Arthur couldn't listen. His head felt like a brick. His minds kept filtering back to Alfred all week. Arthur saw him everywhere. And it was getting annoying.

He blew out air as the teacher then dismissed the class and everyone left the room.

Arthur loved Christmas. It was his favourite time of the year and this year would be his first not celebrating it with his family. He sighed, home sickness had kicked in weeks ago. But he kept telling himself to suck it in because he knew he would never see his father or brother's again. He would be killed before that. The funny thing is, it may end up being Alfred who slays the 'wicked', 'evil' Arthur.

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