Chapter 19

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There was a loud Panic from all around the ballroom. Frightful voices echoed.
"Like a teacher would ever let that happen." Alfred chuckled and pushed his glasses up "did you really think this plan through, Artie, or can I even call you that? You're not Arthur at all anymore are you?"
Arthur laughed "No I suppose not. But my plan is not dodgy at all, Alfred. Say... have you seen any teachers tonight?" He raised his slick brow.
Alfred clenched his teeth and fists. He wanted to know this monsters perfect teeth out. But the real Arthur was still in there and he couldn't stand to hurt him.
"Now how should I do it? Shoot arrows in everyone's heads as you run round like headless chickens. Use magic to rip out your spines... so many opportunities. Well there's plenty of you." He laughed "maybe I can try them all."
The Evers pulled out their swords. "That would be attacking. You'd lose your power again." Alfred grinned.
"But I'm just standing here, you're all the ones pulling your swords out on me." He pushed his hair from his face "Evil attacks, good defends. Killing you would just be a defence mechanism."
There Evers who puked out their swords cried out in pain and whithered to the floor.
"Boo hoo..." Arthur waved to them. He looked up at Alfred and he smiled. "Never met an ever like you. Your heart just won't turn black." He furrowed his brow.
"The dream I had shows you as my arch enemy. I told everyone that wasn't you... that's still true. I know my Arthur is still in there" Alfred looked as if he were begging.
"h-he's not yours!"

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