Chapter 7

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Arthur sat in silence, his new uniform scratching against his soft skin. He wriggled uncomfortably in his chair. He looked up to see a strange two headed dog talking about something in the oversized hall he had somehow found his way into.
He looked back down at the Rose and I immediately blushed lightly. He had remembered the face of the male who had thrown it his way, he was... Well words can't really explain it. American Dream... He'd heard that somewhere before he thought. He shook it off quickly, this boy hated him. Well he guessed. And he hated the blue eyed wonder. Stupid git.
He had never seen a rise of such a colour before it looked so beautiful and natural. He looked back up at the stage and tried to concentrate.
The strange creature in front of him was talking about the uniforms he thought. Something about them having to always look presentable if in good and be if in bad. Which Arthur felt was going to be a huge problem for him as he liked to look his best.
He felt a searing pain in his chest and he hissed in pain along with everyone else it the room.
"The swan of your uniform will be printed onto your skin. If you try to change uniforms it will automatically correct your uniform. It also shows you are part of this school and we will forever me in your heart."
The good side awe'd, Arthur looked at them confused as the evil grunted. "What the fuck?" Arthur lowered his brow causing the evil to laugh.
"Is there a problem... Mr. Kirkland"
A teacher asked looking his direction.
"No no... I just don't care for your soppy school traditions. I want to get straight to work with whatever I'll be learning in this pit then I can go back home." He said in a bored manner.
"Maybe if you learnt to respect and care for when someone is trying to make light of something. You wouldn't be in that pit." An American voice replied.
Arthur looked over "I don't think I asked your opinion, boy." He spat.
"I don't think I gave permission for a Never to speak to me..." The boy spat back.
"I'm sorry are you talking to me in that way you over grown brat." Arthur furrowed his brow standing from his seat, the other boy did to.
"Brat me? I'm not the one calling out in an assembly." He argues his strange cowlick twitching.
"I wasn't raised by women I don't even know and fed by a silver spoon. So you can shut your little mouth. And keep yourself to yourself. Thanks." Arthur clenched his teeth.
"I'm done with you!" The American climbed out of the aisle he was in and towards Arthur he tackled him to the ground the two punched and kicked each other till they were pulled apart.

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