Chapter 22

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Arthur gasped sitting up quickly in his bed.

He took deep breaths.

It was a dream. It was all a dream. Every single second of the wonderful and terrible things that had happened to him... didn't.

He pushed his sweet filled hair back and sighed as he looked around his boring little bedroom.

He'd made the dream up. Because he was lonely, now he remembered.

The boy of his dreams and all his friends. He made them up. Each and everyone of them.  He held back tears.

Alfred wasn't real.
His warm smile.
His open heart.
His stupid idiotic ways...

The boy he'd grown up with, he hadn't. It was a lie. A lie he told himself so for once the little village boy could be special.

Everyone wasn't real.

The boy he loved he'd made up to finally feel at peace. To finally feel hat even one person could love him.

"I'm a fool." Tears fell down the boys face "I'm an idiot. I finally had people who cared, even if it were a dream. And I messed it up. I scared them. He clenched his bed sheets as he pulled himself out of bed.

He left behind the dream world he fell in love with. Soon the dream would be a distant memory. One he would forget. He didn't want to forget... never. But it was true.

Arthur went to his normal boring life, in his village, nestled in the middle of nowhere.


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