Chapter 3

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Taylor was already sitting down when you walked into the café called CC Jitters. It was a biggest coffee shop you have seen. There was a counter to the right of you. There were multiple tables and there were also TVs with the news on. The place was a little busy, and the waiters and waitresses were rushing around with coffee orders. She looked around before she met your gaze. A huge smile spread across her face before she got up so quickly she almost bumped into the guy walking past her.

She rushed over and gave you the biggest best friend bear hug ever. Though she hugged you so tightly you couldn't breathe.

"Omg, (y/n)!" She exclaimed. "It is so good to see you, I haven't seen you in forever!"

"I know, it's good to see you, but I wont see you for much longer if I cant breathe!"

"Oh, sorry!" she apologizes, releasing her grip. "It's so good to see you." You two order coffee and go to sit down.

"So," Taylor continued. "How are you? How come your in Central City? Is it because of the Particle Accelerator? Or is there a guy?" She just spit out the questions like rapid fire. Just one after the other. You barely had time to process the first question before she asked another one.

"Woah!" You exclaimed. "Slow down, um... Im good, I am here because of the Particle Excelerator. There is no guy."

"Aw dang it," Taylor pouts. "Oh well, at least I get to see you." Your coffees came and you two talked about pretty much about everything. Taylor talked about her job, and you talked about your classes back in Starling City.


"So thats why I came to Central City," you explained. "The article just drew me in."

"Well I might be coming tonight," she said. "I think I have the story for the paper. Do you think we could just go together?"

"Yeah, totally." You say. "It will be better with you there."

Who Are You? (A Barry Allen/ The Flash X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now