Chapter 13

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"And how much does this cost?" you ask your real-estate agent.

"(Decent price) a month." she says. The apartment you were looking at was 982 square feet. When you walked in, to your left was a hallway that lead to a decent sized kitchen, smaller than what you're used to, but it would only be you living there. Down that hallway were the doors to the bedroom, that could hold your queen bed, and your bathroom. To the right from the front door was your living room. You also had a balcony you could but outdoor furniture on. All for a good price.

That was the other reason you came to Central City, you wanted to move there. You mom wasn't that prone to you moving, but she agreed. She had always liked you and your brother to be beside her, she loved the holidays, because then all her kids would be home. Especially since Kyle lived so far from Starling.

"Yeah, this apartments nice," you say. "I'm convinced. I'll buy."


You walked into Gold City bank. It was a little busy, but you weren't in a rush. You get in line, when a man in a black baseball cap got up to the Lady behind the desk. He hand her a slip of paper, you assumed was a check to deposit into his bank account.

The lady behind the desk read the paper and looked up at him. She looked confused, and frightened.

Baseball cap took a step back and put his hands above his head. The room shook and gray clouds filled to place, you look up and see the glass roof shatter.


Hey everyone!

Sorry I didn't update for a little bit, but I was busy... Like most normal people. I mean Im not Barry Allen, and get the book done in an hour so...XD

Plus THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for the votes and the reads!
I am really amazed that this many people have read this book so far.

By the way, after this chapter I am making the chapters a little bit longer maybe a page or two.

Well... Gotta FLASH! (pun intended XD)

Joslyn (•.•)

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