Chapter Twenty Five

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Kate's point of view

That evening when I'm back at my dorm, I can't help but feel slightly lost in my own thoughts. I lay in my bed and watch multiple romance movies that I've practically memorized in the past few months that it's been in between dating James and supposedly not having any emotional connection to Harry our physical connection.

Each of the movies I watch seems to end in some happy tale where the couple discovers their undying love for one another. I want to feel upset with the world for the fact that all of my love interests seem to be someone who thinks I tried to murder them, or a sexy professor that chooses to not show me any emotion. I know I can't blame the world though. My own decisions can't be pinned on anyone but myself.

Eventually I turn off my laptop and roll over in my bed. I look up hopefully to stare out the window in hopes of the hum of the city outside lulling me to sleep, but I quickly realize that it's been days since I've even attempted to open the curtains in my room.

My thoughts begin to swarm again just thinking of everything I had planned to tell Harry today. I wanted to point out the mysterious figure peeping on us in the video, and the fact that James called me and attempted to carry on a conversation with me as if nothing had ever happened, and also that I've come to the conclusion that I potentially got drugged last night when I was out with Brandon. It's the only explanation I can come up with in my mind for how I would not remember blacking out or have any recognition for anything that happened in between a stranger ordering me a drink and me ending up safely at home in my dorm.

Instead, our entire afternoon consisted of us drinking in near silence and fighting over the feelings that he's unaware I have, and the feelings I won't allow myself to admit to having.

My curiosity gets the best of me and I'm sitting up on the bed attempting to tug the curtains open. I shouldn't be living my life in fear of someone constantly watching over me. For all I know, the person was some creepy stranger passing my room when he saw Harry and I and wanted some entertainment.

Just as I'm up off the bed and reaching for the curtains, a shrill beeping of my phone sounds in the room and nearly knocks me off my feet. I grab for the device quickly and scan my eyes over the screen, oddly paranoid just from nearly opening the curtains in the room.

From Harry:

Sleep good baby. Hopefully tomorrow will be better for the both of us.

I read the message quickly the first time, then slow down my racing mind once the words have settled in my brain. The idea of any potential predators have left my mind and now my mind is stuck on Harry's words. At least he can acknowledge what happened today and be mature about it.

To Harry:

Goodnight. Thank you for taking me out today. I had fun spending time with you... Even though we didn't exactly leave on good terms.

I send the message and lay back on my bed again while waiting for him to respond. He reads the message almost immediately and begins typing within seconds.

From Harry:

I had fun with you too. It was really good to be back with you after I was gone for so many days. Only weird thing is that I don't know why I didn't kiss you today...

I find myself grinning like an idiot just thinking about Harry sitting at home with me on his mind. I didn't think he was the type of person to notice little details like the fact that he didn't kiss me today.

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