Chapter Twenty Eight

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K A T E ' S P O V

"Can we just try it a few more times? The sun is going to set soon and I don't think it'll be smart for us to go out walking around in the middle of nowhere." I rub my hands together, looking up at Harry as he presses on the gas pedal of the car for what feels like the millionth time.

My entire body is absolutely freezing and I have to squeeze my eyes shut as I pray each time his tires spin through the slick snow with no traction to grasp on to. We've been at it for nearly an hour now and I'm worried frost bite will be setting in at some point if I don't get out of the snow.

"I've already wasted a half a tank of gas just trying to move, Kate. If by some miracle we do get out of here then we're going to have no gas to get back to the cabin. I don't think me trying the same thing that we've been trying for the past hour is going to work now." Harry tangles his fingers frustratedly into his hair and leans his head against the steering wheel. I continue to stand to the side and let him have a moment of silence as I attempt to blow warm air onto my freezing hands.

"Alright, we've got to do something else. Let's just go walk for a few minutes and see if we can find something." He finally turns off the car and pulls the keys from the ignition. I nod, not sure what else to try and say. We both know we're screwed if we can't get the car unstuck ourselves since neither of us have had even the slightest bit of phone service since we left town this afternoon.

"You can stay in the car if you want so that you're warm. I'm going to try and find some help, though." He treks through the snow over to where I'm standing and I shake my head, pouting like a child. Our day was going great until the car got stuck. Now Harry's in a shitty mood and if we even get the car unstuck, he'll be exhausted and irritable all night.

"No. I don't want to be here alone." I look up at the car, then back over at him. He pulls a pair of gloves from his pocket and passes them off to me, which I thank him for with a grateful kiss to the cheek.

"Here, we can share." I pass off one glove to him and he cracks a small smile of amusement finally. After he sticks the glove on his left hand and I stick mine on my right hand, we warm our other hands by clasping them together. Harry leads the way and pulls me away from the car towards a small bundle of trees that looks slightly intimidating.

"Are we going to be able to find the car again if we leave?" I ask worriedly as we finally make it into the trees. The snow is even deeper and I cringe with each step through the cold white blanketing of flakes covering the ground.

"I'll figure it out. I'm certified to teach college students-- I think I can figure out which direction to head in to find the car again." He jokes back, his cocky attitude making me laugh.

"Just because you're certified in English doesn't mean you know your way around a compass. Don't get too ahead of yourself, Professor." I tease back, squeezing his hand that's held in mine. He turns his head over his shoulder to shoot me a playful glare, then turns back again to navigate us through the trees.

Fifteen minutes later, I feel just as hopeless as I did the second Harry announced we were stuck in the snow. We've been walking through the snow for what feels like a lifetime and it seems like every time we move in a different direction all we see is the same thing we've been staring at the entire time: more trees.

"What are we going to do if we don't find anything? We'll have to walk to town and that's miles away." I eventually speak up once again. I know my worry is beginning to be annoying, but I can't help but be scared for the both of us.

"Baby, be hopeful." Harry mumbles back, seemingly unsure of how else to assure me. His words aren't much help but I'm at least happy with the sweet pet name.

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