Alyssa Everdeen

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Hey! I'm Alyssa! I live in District 12. I hate it here but I have amazing friends.

Random facts:

Favorite color: Baby Blue and Lime Green.

Weight: 110

Age: 17

Friends: Gale, Peeta, and Came: Gale is like my big brother. I love him to death and would do anything for him, as would he do anything for me. I think he has a crush on Katniss.

Peeta: Peeta and I are actually dating. (:D) I love him so much! He is the bestest boyfriend EVER! Haha! We just started going out and it's awesome. I love him so much. TBH I've always had a crush on him, he just didn't know.

Cameron: Cameron, Cammie, is like my sister. We have sleep overs as much as we can. We've been friends since we were 5. She is amazing! I love her! She has a crush on Peeta but she doesn't like him that much cause she has a boyfriend who I have a crush on. HAHA! But we love our boyfriends and would never cheat on them!

Well, I have two sisters, Katniss and Prim. This is Prim's first year for the reaping. Katniss is my age. We are really close.

I go hunting with Gale and Katniss every day. I can use knives and a bow. I can climb trees really good.

Well I have to go, BYE!

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