Tryouts deal

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So we tacked the horses and rode back to my house, Trent ran to grab his laptop so we could get on the site before we went to find Mum who was baking in the kitchen.

"Have I told you how ravishing you look today Mum?" Trent asked charmingly.

"OK. What's this going to cost me?" She laughed.

"Sixty Thousand" I answered straight out.

"And may I ask what for?" She raised her eyebrow.

"There's this riding and boarding school opening a few hours' drive from here. It seems really good, it's thirty-five grand per year to board there and keep your horse there. But the trainers are qualified and some are even Olympic trainers and riders" Trent said.

"Before I make any decisions is there some information I can see about this place?" She questioned.

Haley gave her the brochure and Trent turned his laptop to face her, the webpage open she quickly scanned through both things.

"I'd say six hours away is more than a few Trent" She laughed.

"I wanted to make it more considerable for you" Trent shrugged.

"Well it does seem like a rather nice place and I think for an establishment that has very appealing qualities it's rather cheap tuition. However before I agree I have one last question" She said. We all raised a questioning brow at her. "Seth and Haley are you going to be trying out too?"

"I am, Mum and Dad already agreed to let me go there if I get through the tryouts" Haley answered.

"I've got to try convince Hunter to let me try out and maybe if I get by he'll be able to work something out to pay my tuition. It's pretty expensive and I'm not too sure we can afford it" Seth said.

We all fell silent, in all the excitement we had totally forgot about Seth's financial troubles since his parents died two years ago in a car accident. You see Seth now lived with his 20 year old brother Hunter, they had to sell their old house and move to a unit in town. Seth's horse Rusty stays at Haley's for free. Hunter even sold his horse and all their families. They had to sell most of their belongings in fact their clothing and Rusty were about the only things they didn't sell. Mum makes sure they keep steady now though as Dad worked very hard to keep us extremely comfortable in the financial department he earned $20,000 a day and would give us half of it and he came home on holidays, Mum worked as an equine specialist and trainer as well so she earned some money too.

"I believe in you Seth so if you get in, which I am sure you will than I will pay your tuition. Mum promised.

"You can't, Hunter and I already owe you so much" Seth shook his head.

"Seth, you know as well as I do that these three wouldn't last a fortnight without you around so I can't let them go without you. So if you get through then I will pay your expenses. I'll talk Hunter around, you are still having tea with us, yes?" She said.

"Yes we are. Thank you so much Mum. You're the best!" He cheered and hugged her. Yes Haley and Seth also called her Mum.

"Haley, why don't you invite your family over too? We're having a roast" Mum suggested.

"My Aunt is staying for the weekend, is she welcome too?" Haley questioned.

"Of course. I'd like to discuss this school with all of them" She nodded "Now leave me to bake and go make yourself useful. The tack shed could do with some organising and take inventory of the feed, I'm ordering more tomorrow so have to know what we need" Mum said.

So we went to the stables and done just that, we cleaned our horses tack and some of the others and then brought in the horses and fed them before going back in, tea was close to ready and everyone would be arriving soon.

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