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 The first thing we done after arriving was put the horses in their stalls which were marked with our names, a tack hook sat outside each stall near a tying post. Bandit lowered his head for me to remove the headstall, I did so and scratched his head "I bet you're as excited as I am hey boy?" I asked and giggled when he nodded his head "You're going to do great!" I smiled as I fed him a bit of carrot.
"May all students report to the assembly hall when the bell rings" an announcement came from the speakers in the stables just before the bell chimed.
"See you soon boy" I said giving him another pat and placing the headstall and lead rope on its hook.
I sat with the others in the hall, never had I been in an assembly hall that actually had seats, until now. And comfortable ones at that. The welcoming presentation where the teachers introduced themselves lasted almost an hour. They also told us of what we'd be expected to do.
The main things were students would be expected to hold good grades in all their classes and represent the school in some form of team, whether it be a riding team or something more decathlon bases such as debating.
All students were sorted into groups using their last names.
"Right, this group here will be your class, all of you are English riders except for Haley and Eden, if you look on the class lists I am about to hand out most of you will have a study class 4 times a week, for you two that'll be western instead so you'll have to work hard on that and studies in your own time as well" Mrs Young told us. She was married to the principle and would coach the jumping lessons and the jumping team when it is formed.
She handed out lists, diaries and locker numbers then led us to the locker bay, our lockers already contained everything we'd need for normal classes.
"I believe first up you have English so get your things and I'll lead you to the room" Mrs Young announced. I grabbed my things, laptop, folder and pencil case and met Haley at the locker bay entrance to be taken to class.
In English we went over our school Diaries and then played small "ice-breaker" games. I noted that the girl from tryouts with the cremello horse was in the class, her name was Stephanie if memory serves. After a session of that we began our work as the class was a double. We were to write a small essay about ourselves to hand in before the class ended. Usually that wouldn't be so hard but I am the worst at introducing myself in detail so it took me a while to do, even with the questions for it written on the board.  

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