Fun at the lake.

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 Since Haley, Seth and Trent left their horses at home I was in charge of exercising them, I was riding Rusty in the dressage arena testing out some of the moves he and Seth had recently been working on in class. Rusty was picking up on everything as quickly as Seth was.
"It's only been a week and he's already a fancy dressage pony" Hunter called out from the fence, I hadn't noticed him there.
"He's picking up on everything so well, so is Seth" I stated with a smile.
"I knew they would, they're a great team, I wish Mum and Dad could see them now. Mum always wanted to get us good at all horsey things" Hunter smiled back.
"They'd be proud of Seth and Rusty... you too" I told him, sensing his guilt of not riding anymore. It's a shame since he had been really good at riding.
"Thanks... Anyway I was wondering if you wanted to get pizza with me and maybe visit the lake?" Hunter asked.
"Sure thing, let me just finish up here" I nodded.
I quickly finished up then I dismounted and took Rusty to untack and cool off before turning him out with the other horses.
I went to get Hunter and we drove to a pizza shop to get a pizza then went to the lake. We ate on the roof racks of his 4x4 and then went for a walk around the lake.
"Did you bring your phone?" He asked randomly.
"It's in the car" I answered confused.
"Good" he smirked as he picked me up and threw me into the lake and jumped in beside me.
"Moron!" I laughed, hitting him slightly.
"It's nice though" He noted.
"And you're lucky it is" I said.
We swam around a bit before he called "Marco Polo, you're it" and swam away.
I closed my eyes and played along calling out "Marco" and waiting on his reply. Suddenly I felt pressure on my shoulders and was pushed underwater "HA!" Hunter laughed as I surfaced.
I put my hands on his shoulders and in return pushed him under "HA!" I replied "Now you're it!"
This time after a few times of replying to him I quietly swam up behind him and when he called out 'marco' I shouted the reply "POLO!" Into his ear.
"Oww" He complained but started to laugh, his laugh really was music to my ears, I had always loved the sound of it, especially when I was the one making him laugh.

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