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  For the next few weeks we trained every day in both English and Western disciplines as we had decided to try out for both. We decided to head up a day early, we were able to keep the horses at Haley's Aunt's, Rachel but instead we decided to take them to the riding school, and walk them around the courses then leave them there overnight as the school that were offering overnight agistment for $20 a head. We opted for that so the horses would be better used to the surroundings come tomorrow even though it'd seem different then.
The following morning tryouts began at 8:30am so we headed there and hour early to get the horses and give them the last minute groom which thankfully we didn't really need to do as they were spotless and thanks to blankets and yesterday's wash and groom they looked a million dollars. All we done was braid their tails and do button braids on their manes.
I mounted Bandit and waited for the others we all set off for the practice courses together, the horses could already sense the rush of energy that the other people who were trying out and their horses were giving off. Entering the jumping practice ring I grew nervous, there was a long que of riders so we were letting them get quarter way through before the next rider set off.
Everyone seemed really great at it, it was rather a simple course but what you'd expect for an advanced warm up course. Some horses were so excited that they were starting to rearing and pig-rooting but the riders handled it great. Our horses were excited but they weren't going to show it like that even in this environment I could trust a kid on Bandit and not have a worry.
"You're trying out on those horses? They're not forward enough for something like this" Scoffed a sandy blonde haired girl who sat on a big cremello horse that was clearly excited, he was snorting and tossing his head as he chewed on the bit.
"Has anyone ever told you not to judge a book by its cover?" Haley noted as I got waved on to go.
I took Bandit around the course, he practically flew. Cleared each jump and in great time. A few people even applauded and the girl with on the cremello horse just stared in shock. "Way to go boy!" I praised as I petted Bandits neck.
The run made me much more confident about the actual tryouts. Bandit always tried his hardest for me.  

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