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Through out the day, Kushina dragged around both Kaiya and Minato around Konoha. Back and forth, they went to each stand that was down the road, getting Kaiya items, clothing, as well as weapons for her. After a long morning of shopping, Minato was exhausted as he held bags and bags of stuff. The three made it back to their apartment, Kushina then opened the door, letting in Kaiya, she also held some bags as well. Minato struggled inside, putting the bags on the table, and around it.

He sweat dropped as he stated. "You think you over did it a little, Kushina-chan?" He looked over to the bags, there we at least 18 of them.

She smiled. "Of course not! We need everything for Kaiya while she is here!"

Kushina added. "Well then, since we are done with shopping, you can go get her registered."

Minato sighed. "We just got back, I'm exhausted from carrying all that stuff!"

"Come on Minato-kun! You can rest later, aren't you the yellow flash of the leaf?" She smirked.

Minato sighed. "Yeah." There is no way I can get out of this... I'd rather not get Kushina-chan mad at me...

Minato turned to Kaiya and stated. "Let's go Kaiya, we are going to go see hokage-sama."

She nodded and followed Minato out the door.

x x x x

Once they had made it to the hokage tower, they headed up the stairs and towards the third hokage's office. Minato knocked on the door as he waited for the hokage to reply.

"Come in." They both heard his scruffy voice state.

Opening the door, Minato and Kaiya bowed politely. "Hokage-sama."

"Yes Minato?" Hiruzen asked. He looked over to Kaiya. "Who is this young child with you, Minato?" She has red hair like Kushina, is she also an Uzuamki?

"Her name is Kaiya Kuromaki, she is apart of both Uzumaki and Kuroichi clan, but it seems their village just got attacked. It is possible that the Kuromaki just recently have been massacred." Minato stated in a serious tone.

"The Kuromaki..." Who is able to defeat a clan like that, two powerful clans mixed together... Hiruzen looked towards the young red haired female. She is apart of them... I'm going to have to watch over her, I want to see what powers a Kuromaki can have...

"Yes, the thing is. Both me and Kushina, will be taking care of her. We would like to sign her up to become genin."

"Yes I see, I agree also." Hiruzen stated.

"Hokage-sama, would it be alright if you can place her under my squad, she has a hard time getting used to people." Minato uttered, looking over to Kaiya.

She nodded. "Yes, please... I'd like that very much... Hokage-sama."

He sighed. "If that is what you want, then that is where I will place you. Minato, having a squad of 4 genin is pretty rare, we don't really see this often. But, would you be able to handle it?" His almond eyes stared at the blonde man.

Minato gave a nod. "Yes, I would, no. I will."

"Alright then, Minato. Go to the first floor and get a headband for Kaiya, but you are going to have to give her an exam, later on."

"Ah, yes. I will." Minato stated, his emotion not changing.

"You are dismissed." The hokage asserted.

They both left the hokage's office. Heading down the stairs, and listening to what the hokage had said, they went to the first floor to pick up the headband for Kaiya.

Once the two were outside, walking along one of the roads of Konoha. Minato sighed in exhaust. "I'm so lazy..." He muttered to himself.

"Kushina-san is your girlfriend right?" Kaiya suddenly asked.

Minato's face flushed. He stuttered. "Y-Y-Yeah... Uhm.. S-She is..." Damn it Kaiya...

Kaiya looked at Minato innocently. "Are you okay? Minato-san? You're face is red?" She asked.

He cleared his throat, attempting to calm himself down. "Y-Yes I am fine." Looking over to the young child, he thought. She's so innocent, will she be able to handle the ninja world?

They both walked together in silence for awhile, that was until Kaiya asked. "Can I go somewhere... Like explore the village?"

"Go right ahead. Just be back before it gets too dark." Minato stated.

Kaiya gave him a nod. "Alright, I will be back till then."

She then left, leaving Minato to walk home alone.

x x x x

Kaiya walked around the village, through the streets, trails, fields, and other places. She also went up to the mountains where the hokage were placed, admiring the beautiful landscape.

She then started walking again, finding herself in one of the training fields. The training field had targets, most likely to practice kunai target, as well as for other weapons.

Kaiya looked to the sky, her green eyes brightening as she loved the way the sky looked. It mixed in the colour of orange, pink, purple, blue, yellow, and red. She also listened to the sounds that were around, crickets awakening, birds, the wind swaying nicely, it was certainly beautiful.

x x x x

It was nearly dark, and Kaiya was still walking around. At last the child finally got to get to know the place, after she had done some visiting, she left back to Minato and Kushina's apartment. Well, after getting lost quite a bit.

What Fate Has Given [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now