Twenty six

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"I can't do this jutsu Kushina-sensai, it feels like it's tearing my insides every time I use it." Kaiya explained, while taking a seat by a tree panting heavily.

Kushina gave Kaiya some water, watching as Kaiya gulped up the liquid quickly before giving a sigh of relief. "Thank you, sensai."

"Yeah, no problem." She muttered in a slightly monotone voice, continuing to observe Kaiya while her thoughts consumed her.

This jutsu is mostly equipped within people of the Uzumaki clan, she is only half so I have no doubt that it is going to hurt her.

"Well then, if it hurts you that much. You can drop this training, and we can work on something else." Kushina stated, closing her eyes slightly before giving her normal smile. "I shouldn't have been pushing this jutsu onto you, I do though have another jutsu we could try."

"Really!? Can you teach me now, Kushina-chan?" Kaiya's eyes brightened a bit, smiling as she continued to stare at Kushina with an enthusiastic expression.

"Maybe later Kaiya, we still have to finish this mission we are currently on."

Kaiya gave a nod, both of them continuing to head to where the mission was going to take place, or so what Kaiya thought.

After minutes of running, Kaiya narrowed her green eyes towards Kushina. Kushina hadn't told her what the mission was about, or where it was taking place. I

What Fate Has Given [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now