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Silence swept over the village, as the lightning stopped flashing and the thunder stopped making the enormous sound. Hokori looked to the sky, it was the first time in 18 years that the sky had stopped screaming.

He raised his hand in the air, as he watched raindrops hit his hand. What is this... The sound suddenly stopped, the flashing also had stopped... I've never seen it like this...

"What are you thinking Hokori?" Minato asked, as he also had the thoughtful look on his face.

"It's different, why did it stop..." Hokori's voice faded off, while he continued staring off into the dark sky, like as if he was waiting for something.

"What do you mean, Hokori-san?" Obito asked also, wearing a concerned expression.

"The thunder, the lightning... Has never stopped for as long as I lived. Not since the Kiminari and Kuromaki had war for which land they would get." He stated, slowly turning to the genin. Something has to be wrong... He must be here, then.. His thoughts raced, as anger filled his senses.

"Minato, where is Kai-chan at the moment?" Hokori asked, while his eyes showed nothing but hatred.

Minato noticed his sudden anger, before stating. "She stayed behind looking for more people."

"All the villagers are here, something must be up." He stated before running in the direction of the town.

Kakashi started running after him, as concern filled his senses. I shouldn't have left her alone... I've got to help Kai-chan...

"Kakashi-kun!" Rin called after him.

"Stay here and help the villagers, I'll go help Hokori with Kai-chan!" He shouted back, while he added chakra to the souls of his feet to run faster.

"Obito stay here with Rin, I'll be with Hokori and Kakashi." Minato demanded as he also ran off in the same direction, that the two younger boys ran.

Obito and Rin both gave a nod, as they both returned to the citizens.

x x x x

What is this? Itami looked to the sky as he awaited for thunder and lightning, but nothing happened. It was nearly silent, all you could hear was the raindrops collide with the ground.

"So it stopped, this is the first." He stated to himself, as he looked in the direction of his younger sister. Who also had the same thing on her mind, she then turned to him, looking into his bright red eyes.

"Tell me your real intentions Kaiya, why are you really here?" He asked, as his eyes drifted towards the young prince, the older blonde male who stood beside him, as well as the grey haired child.

Hokori stared at Kaiya, hope filling his eyes as he awaited her answer. Please, please don't lie to me Kaiya-chan...

"Unlike you, I don't hold any hatred towards the Kiminari clan, what happened 5 years ago, already had happened. You can't change it, Itami." She sighed. "Do you understand?"

"What are you talking about? I couldn't care less about what happened years ago, all I want is to grab that water crystal, then I'm out of here." A smirk covered his face, as he stated in a smooth sickening tone. "Now that I think of it, I can take his life now. Otherwise, I'd like to have a battle with the yellow flash."

What Fate Has Given [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now