Twenty four

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Why... Do I feel so calm?

Kaiya continued to look towards the ceiling, trying to remember what had happened during the time when she had been fully awake. Glancing around the room, she noticed the red glistening light that hung in front of the window. Lazily lifting her arm, she attempted to check for her necklace, but when she had felt her own skin instead of a hard rock-like item. It certainly has surprised her. How did they separate me from it... It's impossible...

She sat up slowly, her body aching badly from disuse for six months. Kaiya took another good look around the room, she then had realized it was not her own bedroom, but someone else's. Staring at the necklace that was just a few feet away, she stood up forcing herself through the pain. But once she had taken a step, she collapsed roughly onto the carpeted floor. Kaiya laid there for a moment, trying to cooperate with the pain that she was feeling. She heard light thumps quickly coming towards the door of the bedroom, perhaps somebody walking, possibly rushing?

Kaiya let out a grunt of pain, while she managed to sit up and laid against the side of a bed. That is before the person has entered to room, her sight took in the form of the person. It was Kakashi, who had come in with a very concerned expression. His eyes widened slightly as he took it the now awake Kaiya, who had just gave him a small smile while waving slightly.

He quickly kneeled down to her, hugging the girl that he loved and missed very tightly. She was slightly confused, but she wrapped her arms around him taking in the embrace. She held him, listening to his ragged breaths while he was trembling, like as if he was crying.

They stayed like that for minutes, not wanting to let each other go again. After a long period of silence, Kaiya asked in a shallow voice. "How long has it been... Kaka-kun?"

His grip on her tightened a bit before he let go, and slowly raising his head so that he can look into her green eyes after so long. She had noticed the pain and relief in his eyes, as well as they tears that was threatening to leave his eyelids. His voice came out in a raspy croak, usually softer than his usually sharp tone that he uses to speak with to everyone else.

"Half a year."

"I guess... That's how long I've been out..." She let out a small chuckle.

"What happened to you Kai-chan?" He asked, a single tear finally slipping out of his right eye. "Do you also remember what happened to yourself and Obito?"

Kaiya thought for a moment, before speaking in a low tone. "The last thing I remember is seeing you, my brother, and Obito..."

It was that day then... She must've been sleeping this whole time... Kakashi thought before it was interrupted by Kaiya speaking again.

"You all had a terrified expression..."

Of course I had a terrified expression... You tried killing me Kai-chan... I don't blame you though...

"But... It was in different places... I think I woke up a couple of times..."

A couple of times? Different places? So you mean that Obito had been with you this whole time? He then thought back to that person that he had given the lightning crystal to, his thoughts beginning to race while Kaiya deeply tried to describe what she had remembered.

He couldn't have been Obito...

"You were at the battle field where the Kannabi used to be..."

Obito wouldn't trade some stupid necklace for his best friends life...

"When I saw Obito, it was somewhere else..."

Was it Itami? It would've been more reasonable, since he wanted that necklace...

"And Itami... The place looked so familiar..."

But he saved her from the Kuroichi side... He saved us, would he risk his own sisters life?

Kaiya winced, her eyebrows furrowing while she tried hard to remember where she had been. Kakashi noticed how hard she was trying to answer his questions, after pulling down his mask he placed a small kiss on her forehead, while stating in a soft tone. "Don't try so hard to remember, if I was able to get you back. Then we have a chance on finding Obito."

Kaiya gave a small nod, furrowing her eyebrows while giving a questionable look. "Now, tell me... How did you get my necklace from me?"

A blush covered Kakashi's face while he scratched the back of his head sheepishly, narrowing his eyes away from her while speaking. "It wasn't easy... But, I had to do something that'll make you stop thinking about it... Even when you're unconscious..."

She raised her eyebrow, her usually questionable look still planted on her face while she asked. "And that is?"

Kakashi stood up, wrapping his arms around her form and gently placing her on his bed. After grabbing Kaiya's necklace off his shelf that held his books, he spoke a single word. "This."

He kissed her deeply, placing his hand on the back of her head making the kiss even deeper. This startled her, knowing that Kakashi was usually the one that got flustered, but after a brief moment she began to kiss him back. He pulled away, fiddling with the crystal that was now around Kaiya's neck while he stared into her bright green eyes.

She stared at the gem, her eyes slightly wide. "H-How..."

"Exactly, you didn't even notice me putting it on you Kai-chan." A smirk displayed on his face while he continued to look at her now red face.

She stared at her feet, fiddling with her finger while a thought struck her. "S-So you kissed me while I was sleeping?"

His faced changed into a dark shade of red, while he raised his arms in surrender. "Y-You attacked me Kai-chan! That was the only thing I can think of to calm you down."

A small smile planted on her face while she stood up, wrapping her arms around his taller form so she can keep herself from falling. "I love you too."

A smile broke out into his face while he wrapped his arms around her smaller form, making sure that she won't fall over.

While they both stayed in that position for awhile, she stated in a slightly annoyed tone. "You grew."

Kakashi chuckled, knowing that his next words will just make her a bit angry but being him, he spoke it anyways.

"No, you just shrunk."

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