Twenty three

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"Itami!" Obito shouted as he ran from Kaiya's room, quickly dashing towards the kitchen area, slamming into Itami who had just come into view. They both flew back, landing on the floor after colliding with each other.

"Obito you idiot." Itami muttered, getting up to his feet, and reaching to help the younger boy up.

Obito grabbed his hand, pulling himself up while stating. "That sealing-thing that you used on Kai-chan, she finally awoke from it."

Itami didn't say anything, he just silently walked past Obito, heading to Kaiya's room where the younger boy had just came from.

Knowing what Itami was thinking, Obito watched silently as Itami quietly entered the room. Shortly after, he came flying back out, hitting his back against the nearest wall hard.

"It didn't work-" He held onto his stomach in pain, trying to catch his breath. "I don't know how- but she somehow became stronger."

"That seal you made has the genjutsu in it, you basically created what Madara-sama created."

"That doesn't explain the fact that she got stronger!" He shouted, standing up as he leaned against the now cracked wall, watching as Kaiya began attacking Obito.

"What did you use in that genjutsu, Itami!?" Obito asked loudly, while he dodged a punch from Kaiya.

"That, that uh-" Itami moved over a bit, staring at the lamp that was just thrown at him. "That kid!"

I can't believe this was my training for the last three months, just simply trying to keep this side of Kaiya under control.

After Obito had activated a jutsu, wood began to wrapped around Kaiya's body, keeping her restrained so that she doesn't try to kill neither of them. "You're the idiot! Didn't you notice that she forgot all of us, when she first turned this way."

"She can't forget that bastard, maybe that is the reason why she got stronger, you angered her by trying to erase what she loves." Obito complained.

And yet, I was able to erase Rin's well being from you're mind. Itami just continued to glare, saying nothing just in case he accidentally says something about the girl, knowing that Obito would be enraged.

After calming down, Itami stated in a calm voice. "After this last sealing, the Kuroichi side of Kaiya will once again be under control. We now, can take her back to your village, and go along with the original plan." We're taking her back to the hidden leaf village Madara-sama, there is no way in hell you are going to use my sister...

After walking into his own room, he came back with a scroll in his hand. Opening it and laying it on the floor, enough for him to read the letters that was imprinted into the paper. This will be the first in a long time using this... Hopefully I could do this correctly.

Once he had finished his hand signs, he began to activate his sealing jutsu. He hissed out in slight pain, as bright chakra chains began to emerge from his body. This takes more chakra than I had expected... It might even kill me if I continue...

Obito let go of the wood style, watching as the chains wrapped around Kaiya like a cocoon. He and Itami place their hand on either side of Kaiya, Obito adding some of his chakra into the seal while Itami had finished it.

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