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"My name is Minato Namakaze of the Hidden Leaf, these here are my students. Obito Uchiha, Rin Nohora, Kakashi Hatake, and Kai Uzumaki." They all bowed politely. "We are the shinobi that you have requested."

The light blue haired elder, bowed her head before speaking. "I am Miko, one of the village elders. I have asked you to help us with something important."

"And what would that be?" Minato asked in a serious, yet calm tone.

"There is someone coming, perhaps one of our enemies." She stated, before staring into Minato's blue orbs.

"Do you want us to protect the village?" Rin asked.

"Precisely, but really, we really just want you guys to stop this man." Her pale hazel eyes, stared towards the genin, as she held a picture of a shinobi, a Kuromaki to be exact.

Kaiya's eyes drifted to the picture, as she felt a small amount of shock enter her. It was a picture of Itami, Kaiya's older brother. I see... So then that chakra was...

"Kai-chan, can I speak with you in the hall?" Asked Hokori, as he made a gesture with his hand.

Kaiya gave a nod, before standing up and fallowing the younger boy. Once they had entered the hallway, Hokori made sure that nobody could hear them or see them.

He turned to Kaiya and asked, in a slightly demanding voice. "Who was that? You seemed to have recognized them."

"That was Itami... My older brother." She stated, her voice changing quite a bit.

"Itami... So he is still trying to attack us." Hokori growled, slightly punching the wall.

Kaiya nodded. "Yes, it seems." She then looked into Hokori's dark blue eyes. "Don't worry about it, I'll make sure he doesn't hurt your village nor yourself."

"Ah, yes. He is most likely here to kill me, huh?" He stated in a questionable tone. "Do you mind if I give you an important mission, Kai-chan?"

Kaiya thought for a moment before answering. "Yes, as long as it doesn't hurt my friends."

I knew you were still so kind... Looking into Kaiya eyes, which held a dark green. But your eyes aren't as bright as it used to be...

"It is possible that he is not here to kill me. It seems that Itami is coming here for the sacred jewel." He stated, as he held out a blue crystal. "I'd like you to keep this, protect with you life, If you will." I'm trusting you Kaiya-chan... Please protect the jewel from the next human that wants power...

Kaiya took the jewel in her hand, as she traced her fingers over the silver string that held the jewel in a medal lining. She then took out her own necklace, that held another sacred jewel, the fire crystal.

She took the water crystal, and held it in her hands, her green eyes drifting onto his face as she spoke. "Are you sure you'd like me to keep this?" So then, I will have both of the sacred crystals... There is about 3 more of them...

Hokori gave a nod, "Yes, I am trusting you to keep this safe, Kai-chan. Protect it from the people who will use it for war."

She nodded, as her green eyes flickered. "Yes, I will." She placed it around her neck, and slipped the crystals under her shirt, so that it was unseeable.

After the small conversation, and after Hokori had given Kaiya a mission, they headed back into the main office.

x x x x

"Kaiya... Kaiya... Kaiya..." Itami whispered as he watched his younger sister from a distance. You've become a shinobi, huh? How pathetic.

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