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"He's so cute! What's his name. Mikoto-chan?" Kaiya asked while she smiled over the the child whom was nearly four.

"My names Itachi Uchiha." He stated, not changing his expression whatsoever.

Wow, you simply act like your father, in a way kid. Kaiya placed a hand on his head, giving him a heart warming smile. "My name is Kaiya, Kaiya Kuromaki!"

"Kuromaki..." He repeated, before thinking a while then turning to his mother. "Okaa-san, I've never heard of that clan, what is it?"

"The Kuromaki are a mixed breed." Mikoto stated, before speaking once again. "Just like Kushina-chan, Kaiya-san is apart of the Uzumaki, but she is also apart of the Kuroichi clan." Yes, and Kaiya-san... You act more of an Uzumaki then you do as a Kuroichi, probably because you were with Kushina-chan most of the time.

"The Kuroichi? I've heard father speak of them, why do they speak such horrible things about that clan?" He asked, looking at both his mother and Kaiya. I wonder what she feels, to be apart of a clan that everybody hates...

Kaiya knelt down to Itachi's height, before simply stating in a rather calm voice. "Because, the Kuroichi are very horrible people. These people want nothing but chaos, nothing but to see everyone in fear or death."

He paused for a moment, thinking over what Kaiya had said. "So what about you? Do you want something different besides that, since you are not a full Kuroichi?"

She stared into Itachi's eyes, her mind thinking of what she wanted, what she needed in her life as a shinobi. I want... Peace. Since I had become a shinobi, I had to hurt many people so I can save my own comrades. I wonder how their families, their friends would feel without them. All we do is kill to become stronger, to get a bigger ego. And for what? Some respect that will die over time?

So what do I truly want? Peace? Friends? Love? Power? No, I want... Nothing, I want nothing. If I try to obtain peace, there will only be people who will disagree with me, and that will start a fight. She let out smile before stating. "I haven't decided. But, I was debating on becoming hokage!"

"Hokage? You want to become hokage, Kaiya-chan?" Kushina asked, with a small smirk on her face. I'd never thought that even you, would want to become hokage. Now I have to become hokage before either, Minato-kun, Obito, or Kaiya-chan has a chance to.

"That's right, you and half of Minato-san's team wants to be hokage. Hm, I wonder if you will actually make it Kushina-chan." Mikoto stated in a mocking voiced while chuckling a bit.

Kushina growled. "I will become Hokage, Mikoto-chan! Next thing you'll know, is that you'll have to see my face carved into that mountain every day!"

Mikoto glared lightly while she continued to speak in the same tone that Kushina was giving her. "Then I get a chance to ruin your face, maybe with some paint or something!"

"If you do, the most hilarious prank will be waiting for you, you know!?" Kushina's smirk became wider, while both herself and Mikoto won't break eye contact with each other.

Kushina-chan and Mikoto-chan sure do argue a lot, kind of like Obit-kun and Kaka-kun. Maybe these two are like them, their rivalry... Kaiya thought as she continued to stand there with Itachi as they both watched Kushina and Mikoto argue.

"Sigh, They're at it again." Kaiya sighed, while she gave a slight exhausted look.

"Again? Is this what they always do once they meet?" Itachi asked.

Kaiya nodded lazily, "Yup, they are always arguing no matter what." She then turned to him and asked. "So, Itachi. Are you starting on your ninja studies yet?"

Itachi gave a confused look, before stating. "Not in the academy, but my father did take me out to war."

Kaiya looked into Itachi's eyes once more, the expression of sorrow crossed her face. Just a child that is not even four, and yet he had to see something like that... No wonder why he is quiet, this child got traumatized with all the fighting, all the death that were earned in war... She looked away from the boy, who also looked away.

Kaiya-san, has the same look in her eyes as I do... "Kaiya-san?" He muttered in a questionable tone.

"Yes?" She answered, awaiting the child's question.

"From your point of view, what is the meaning of life?" He asked, having a small amount of emotion, written in his coal coloured orbs.

"Meaning of life?" She repeated, her thoughts becoming more compulsive with her parents death, and her loneliness since she had been forced to leave her village. They're dead, and he's gone. What I got now, is Kushina-chan, Minato-san, Obi-kun, Ri-chan, and a lot more people here that I care for, even Kaka-kun...

"Life has no meaning, until you make it have meaning. If you have no meaning, then why were you put on this earth in the first place? Why would a person, a meaningless object would be put in a place that was meant to be there?"

He gave a nod, before asking another question. "Yes, I get it now."

Kaiya shook her head. "Sorry to say, but you don't get it."

Itachi looked at her, raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"No one will get it, the point of life and death. You were asking for my opinion on life, and everyone has their own way of thinking." She gave another smile to Itachi, who was thinking of what she had said.

"Hey." She uttered while bringing her hand up and poking his forehead gently. "Don't think that much on life. You may be the son of the leader of the Uchiha, but you are still a kid after all. Enjoy your childhood as much as you can, until it ends."

"And what If I don't, moreover what if I can't?" He asked, holding his hand over where Kaiya had poked him.Her eyes softened, while she smiled brightly. "Find your light, and whatever you do, never let it go.""Kaiya-chan, we're going now!" Kushina's voice interrupted their conversation"Yes, Come on Itachi. We have to go meet your father." Mikoto's voice followed behind Kushina's."Kaiya-chan? What did you mean by that?' Itachi asked, looking in the direction of his mother, who was waiting for him."You'll know one day, Itachi-kun." She stated before walking off with Kushina, leaving the child to process everything that she had said.

You must find your light, and never let it go, otherwise you'll be left alone in the dark and apparently, my light is Kakashi-kun.

What Fate Has Given [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now