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"Alright, Let's go!" Obito shouted enthusiastically, as he raised a fist in the air.

Kushina smiled towards Kaiya. "You be careful, alright?"

Kaiya nodded, smiling slightly. "I will, Kushina-chan." I like how here, people care for you more than back at the Kuro...

"That goes for all of you, especially you Obito." She pointed towards him.

"Hey!? Why do always got to pick on me!?" He exclaimed, glaring at Kushina.

"Well, maybe if you weren't such a knucklehead of a ninja. I wouldn't be treating you like this." Kushina smirked.

"Knucklehead of a ninja!? I'll have you know, that I'll be the next greatest hokage!" He shouted, crossing his arms and smirking as well.

"I will be the next hokage, You know!" She shouted back at him.

Minato stared at both of them, thinking as he sweat dropped. Kushina-chan... Obito... Sigh, who knows, maybe I will be the one that will be the next hokage.

"Why do you want to become hokage?" Kaiya asked, not understanding what the point is in becoming hokage. "It's just a role, isn't it?" She asked, tilting her head a little.

"Actually, being hokage ain't just a role, Kaiya." Minato stated.

"It's about your villagers having faith in you, while you protect the village. It's to be acknowledged." Kushina added.

"That is why I, Obito Uchiha. Will become the next hokage! I will be the first Uchiha to become hokage! No matter what!" He raised a thumbs up.

"I believe in you Obito-kun!" Rin exclaimed, as she held her hands towards her chest.

"I see..." To be hokage... People must acknowledge your existence... You must obtain their trust... As well as be the strongest of all ninja...

"Kushina-chan? Can I ask you something?" Kaiya's green orbs look towards Kushina's blue ones.

"Yes, what is it?" She asked, slightly confused.

"Y-You are an Uzumaki, as well as you are very strong... You... You think, you can train me... And teach me about the Uzumaki, p-possibly after we return from this mission?" She asked once more, stuttering quite a bit.

Kushina put a hand on her shoulder, and smiled. "Why of course! I was thinking the same, you know?"

Kaiya's face brightened up. "R-Really?" She always uses that "you know" thing a lot... Mostly when she is excited... Wait, does this mean she really wants to train me!?

"Yes! We start once you get back!" Kushina gave a closed eye smile.

Kaiya nodded, as a small smile planted on her face. "Alright, I will see you until then." She bowed politely.

Waving her goodbyes, which they also had done, the four genin and the jonin set off onto their mission.

To the land that never stops screaming and crying...

x x x x

It's been a couple hours since they left the hidden leaf village, Minato stared off into the grey skies, with a thoughtful look crossing his face. So... We are getting close, it seems...

"Minato-sensai?" Kaiya looked towards her sensai, with a calm look on her face.

"What is it?" He responded in a questionable tone, his blue eyes narrowing towards the red headed female.

"While we are in this village, I'd rather be called Uzumaki." She stated, breathing in some air slightly.

"Why is that?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, still looking in the direction of Kaiya.

What Fate Has Given [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now