Twenty five

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No this can't be!

His tears threatened to escape as he continued screaming, holding the female in his arms while gripping onto her very tightly.

This can't be true! Kai-chan!

His tears slipped out, streaming down his face carefully while staring off into the distance of the battle ground, the enemies who have made Kakashi kill her, already dead since after Obito had watched the scene before.

My best friend!

Obito hovered over Kaiya's body, cradling her as he kept his eyes on the hole in her chest, staring into her now dimmed green eyes, her life had been sucked out long ago, when her beloved Kakashi stabbed her with his jutsu, the same thing he had done to Rin.

Activating his mangeykyo sharingan his eyes darted towards the figure who had done this deed, one who he had thought of a friend, Kakashi Hatake. He let out another scream, this time his voice going towards the anbu member. "You were supposed to protect her!?"

You bastard! I shouldn't have ever trusted you, with neither Rin or Kaiya!

"Obito you don't-" Kakashi attempted to comply, but simply getting interrupted by Obito's rage, Kakashi noticed the hatred in his onyx colored eyes, taking a step back a bit creating a little more distance between them.

"Shut up! I told you to protect her, not to kill her! Yet you did it anyway, the same way you did to Rin!"

I trusted you...

"You don't understand Obito!" Kakashi's voice came out, slight anger beginning to reach the tone in his voice.

"I said shut up!"

"Obito! Kaiya and Itami were going to try to destroy the leaf village! Look around, it's not the enemy shinobi who made me did this, I had to kill her! For the leaf village's sake!" Kakashi's words came out in a loud growl.

The leaf village!?

Once Obito looked around the battle field, without barely turning his head, he had noticed every anbu member that was dead on the ground, belonged to the leaf village. Yet, Kaiya had killed them all, everyone besides Kakashi. "You see now? Kaiya did all this, she was on her way to destroy the leaf, hence the reason why she killed the anbu members, I had to do it Obito!"

"I thought you loved her you bastard!?" His rage continuously growing with each second that passed. his hands immediately turned into fists, releasing wood style into the ground making half of a cage around Obito.

Kakashi's stance froze, before his body began to shake, apparently it was from his sickening laughter. "I do, I really do Obito..." His voice entered a sick state, where it hadn't even sounded like him. Another laugh erupted from the older boy, while he held his hand over where his eyes once was. "Where the hell were you, Obito? Where were you when Rin and Kaiya needed you?"

Shut up...

"The two were looking for you for awhile, and yet the only time you show up, is when they are dead? What kind of friend are you?"

Shut up!

He grit his teeth together while he continued to listen to Kakashi's hurtful words, though what Kakashi had said, Obito never broke eye contact. "They needed you, Obito... Yet you had abandoned the."

"I said fucking shut up you bastard!"

"You hiding behind that damned mask, because you don't want to face your fate." Kakashi stated bluntly, keeping his one eye on the orange mask that Obito was wearing.

"What about you!? You're wearing your goddamn anbu mask! It has been a year and a half now Kakashi, how long will you have to run from your god damn mistake!?"

"Didn't you love her!? What about Kushina-chan and Minato-sensai? They both saw Kai-chan as a daughter, what are you going to tell them, that you killed their daughter-like student, just for our pathetic village?" Obito's growl became louder.

Kakashi flinched, while taking in Obito's words. "Pathetic village... What happened to you Obito? Who changed you?"

Obito let out a laugh, one that he had never really let out. It was a laugh so sickening, so frightning, it was no where near the normal laughs he usually let out. It was one, surely to be afraid of. "I opened my eyes Kakashi, I no longer see the world as I did a year ago. This world is a pathetic wasteland that deserves to burn, this ninja world is a mistake from the start!"

Us shinobi... Is the reason why hatred is born...

"I am going to create a world, where both Kaiya and Rin is alive, a world where you no longer exist! A place where everyone can live in harmony, where war had never existed in the first place!"

"Do you honestly think you can create something like that? War will always come, there is no stopping that!" He began to raise his voice.

Another sickening laugh erupted from Obito, "I will make it there Kakashi, You made your mistake." Obito raised his arm, sending off branches from his wood style towards Kakashi, attempting to kill the person who once was his best friend. He made a hand sign, making the wood expand even bigger than Kakashi's form. "DIE!" He squeezed his hand together, watching as all the wood quickly wrapped around Kakashi and began squeezing him. In an instance, Kakashi came out of Obito's jutsu, breaking all the branches around him with his enhanced chidori.

Obito let out a light growl while watching Kakashi escape. he send more, letting the wood wrap around Kakashi's form once more, this time adding even more layers than before. Making some quick hand signs to his phoenix flower jutsu, watching as what was wrapped around Kakashi, began to burn.

It is done...

He listened to the cracking of fire, letting himself drop onto his knees, feeling a slight victory inside of him, but also felt otherwise.

"Do you honestly think it will be that easy?" Kakashi's voice was heard behind him, as well as the sound of piercing lightning. Obito's eyes widened, quickly moving to the side while watching as Kakashi's arm had already attempted to struck where Obito's heart was, only if he hadn't moved. Quickly activated his mangeykyo, he grabbed a hold of Kakashi wrist, and witha flick of his arm, he heard a bone snap. Kakashi grunted, moving his unbroken hand towards Obito, while a light blue light came from it. Obito took the other wrist in his hand, doing the same thing to the other, he head a snap. Obito then kicked Kakashi in the stomach, feeling the bones in his rib break under his feet.

"Obito stop!" His used-to-be-sensai's voice was heard from afar, that was when Minato appeared in between both Kakashi and Obito, stopping Obito from hurting Kakashi further. "WHy are you doing all of this?" The disappointment was heard in his tone.

Obtio turned, taking in the sight of Itami crouching down to the lifeless Kaiya, with a very sad expression on his face. "Why you may ask? This world a pathetic wasteland... Sensai ... Do you honestly think I care about the leaf village now?"


"I'm leaving now, let's go Itami..." He mumbled while picking up Kaiya's body, and beginning to walk away.

x x x x

"Forgive me Obito... I'm now taking Kaiya from you..." Itami spoke, while he looked over to the unconscious Uchiha.

In order for Obito to actually attack the hidden leaf, I must make sure that Obito think that both Rin and Kaiya are dead.

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