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"I have always wanted to ask you Itami, what are you mostly able to do?" Madara asked, his deep voice reaching the teenagers ears.

"Are you even able to use genjutsu?"

Itami remained quiet, thinking for awhile before speaking. "I'm an okay in genjutsu, I work well with taijutsu and ninjutsu."

"I see..." Madara muttered closing his eyes while sighing. Not very well in genjutsu... But I'd have to say, his sealing techniques are even greater than my own...

"You seem to be judging me, once again." Itami turned, started to walk towards the walls.

"It's not my fault that you cannot do genjutsu."

Itami stopped and glared at Madara, growling loudly. "I can use genjutsu, but not very well!"

Madara sighed, closing his eyes. "You certainly are part Uzumaki... You are both loud and annoying, you also are a hothead like the many Uzumaki I have met in my years."

"But he is Kuromaki, not Uzumaki. Anyways, how was the Kuromaki created after all?" Guruguru asked, appearing out of the closest wall to Madara.

A sweat drop appeared over Itami's head. "Guruguru, the Kuromaki is just a simple mix of the name Kuroichi and Uzumaki."


"You're an idiot Guruguru." Zetsu stated appearing beside him.

Itami chuckled, turning to Madara a giving a simple sentence. "I've got things to do, I'll see you later Madara-sama."

Before Itami could leave, Madara called out to him. "Itami."

He turned facing the elder man, giving a confused look on his face. "What is it?"

"Those eyes of yours, see if you can create genjutsu that can last longer than the usual."

Itami gave a nod. "Alright."

"Also, The kid."

Itami turned around, narrowing his eyes to where Madara was looking. Obito laid on the ground silently, Madara had put a genjutsu on him when Itami had first brought him, that was about 2 weeks ago. Itami finally had adjusted to Obito's sharingan, he had taken one of his eyes a week after taking him. Simply replacing one of the young Uchiha's sharingan with the keimasu.

"Oh yeah." Itami remembered, picking Obito up. "Well bye guys, I've got some business I must take care of."

"Bye Itami-san!"

x x x x

"Dammit!" Itami growled, slamming his hand on his desk. Yet another failed seal...

He sighed, staring up to the wooden ceiling. This sharingan... It messed up my normal chakra control to use my sealing techniques...

He narrowed his eyes in the direction of his younger sister, she laid in a bed unconscious.

He turned looking at all the different sealing tags that he had made over the years, trying to see if he was still able to use them. Fifteen of them failed so far, so his hope for his techniques were going deeper into the hole.


"Kakashi?" Itami repeated turning to Kaiya, she still laid there, a sad expression on her face while she started to shift her body.

What Fate Has Given [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now