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Kakashi let out a yelp of pain, while his hand clenched onto his right eye. He laid against the trunk while trying to get a hold of himself. My eye... He damaged my eye...

"Kakashi!" Obito's eyes widened, his anger starting to rise. How dare he do such a thing to Kakashi!

Obito let out a growl, looking over to Kaiya, who was just laying there unconscious. He then glanced to Kakashi, who laid beside him, trying to regain his strength. Obito then glanced towards the cave, where Rin would most likely be. I grew up without parents, and I barely had friends...

Obito began to observe what was around him, he noticed the footsteps that the man left imprinted in the wood, he could hear where the elder ninja was running to. He lifted his goggles, letting them sit atop of his head, while his sharingan activated.

I will not let my friends die!

Each step the man took, Obito was able to see him clearly. Bringing out a kunai, Obito cut deeply into the mans stomach.

"How did you..." He muttered, choking out blood before collapsing.

Obito turned to Kakashi, reaching out his hand, while asking. "Kakashi, are you alright?"

Kakashi looked up at him, taking his hand, and pulling himself up to his feet. "Yes, thanks to you..."

Obito turned, looking in the direction of Kaiya, who was still laying there. He jumped down running up to the Kuromaki, with Kakashi fallowing right behind him. "She was knocked out pretty badly, I don't actually know how long she would be out for."

Kakashi glared harshly, bawling his fists up tightly. If only I had come a bit earlier...

"Kakashi, I'd like you to use the med-kit that Rin gave you to at least cover your damaged eye."

After doing what Obito said, covering his right eye with bandages, he picked up Kaiya and walked into the cave with Obito. Noticing that Rin was right at the end of the cave, tied up and unconscious.

"Rin's chakra has been disturbed, it's flowing in patterns different from yours and mine."

"She's probably under a genjutsu, they didn't want to waste time getting information out of her." Kakashi stated, after laying Kaiya against a wall.

"Huh, so it seems these two are more than mere brats after all." Kakko, last of the three jonin they had run into.

"We fought earlier, he's quick so be careful."


Kakko glared, starting to run quickly towards Obito and Kakashi, while they did the same. Each move that he had done with the blades that were attached to his arms, were blocked with Kakashi's chakra sabre.

Every move that he made, was seen by Obito's sharingan. He blocked Kakko's blades, with a kunai of his own.

Kakko aimed for Obito's head, which he easily dodged, he then aim for Kakashi's but missed also.

Kakko swung his arms in the direction of Obito, the blades that were attached to his arms extended his reach further. Obito leaned back, the blades just going over him.

Kakko moved quickly, trying to aim a blow at Kakashi, but before he could move further, Obito stopped him by kicking his shoulders. Kakashi then took this chance, cutting Kakko's shoulder, then stepping on his back, making him hit the ground.

What Fate Has Given [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now