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The sound became louder... A sound like, water or some kind of liquid substance hitting the floor.

She opened her green eyes, noticing where she was. "This... Is...?"

Her eyes widened at what she saw in front of her. "Mother... Father..."

They were left hanging, long sharp poles sticking out of their bodies, as their blood was splattered all over the walls, while it made a big puddle of blood on the floor covering her blue coloured kimono, and her shoes.

The blood dripping, was the only sound you could hear. That is, until a scream was heard.

"Mother! Father!" Itami screamed, he finally was able to get out of the binding ropes, the enemies made the two children watch as they killed their parents in front of them.

Unable to speak, Kaiya just stood there, her mind processing what just happened. Itami ran up to his younger sister, untying her. He looked into her shallow eyes, noticing that her eye colour was darker then usual.

Itami's eyes were pale, he had finally stopped crying, from what just happened a moment before. Anger filled his senses, while he found himself punching at the floor.

Kaiya just stared at him, unable to move, think, nor speak. She watched as he said something that she could not hear, only able to notice his expression, which was nothing but hatred.

Blood falling, was all she could hear.

Kaiya awoke from her slumber, glaring at the ceiling, trying hard not to cry. Not again... Not again... She clutched as her bed sheets, while tears escaped her eyes, gently rolling down her face.

She sat up, wiping her tears away. Once she had opened her eyes, she noticed that Kakashi, Obito, and Rin stood in front of her bed. Each having a sad expression on their faces, Rin spoke in a questionable tone. "Kai-chan... Are you alright?"

Kaiya remained quiet, while her thoughts raced. Am I alright? Those dreams... It's either that one, or the other...

Kaiya looked towards her friends, looking into each of their eyes. My friends... I don't want to lose them, I don't want to be alone... I don't want to watch that again...

"W-Was that really how long I was out for?" She asked in a shallow voice, changing the subject.

Kakashi have a nod, speaking as he did so. "You used way to much chakra, you have been out for a week."

She stared at him in shock. "What!? That long?" That dream only felt like a couple minutes...

"Yes, you were. We came to visit you while you were recovering." Obito stated.

Kaiya stood up, while looking out the window.

Clink! She looked down, her necklace just has fallen. "My necklace..."

"You let go of the other two, but when we tried to remove that on from you, you wouldn't give it up." Rin explained, siting on the edge of her bed. "You must really love that necklace, huh?"

A small smile formed on Kaiya's face, while she picked it up. "My parents gave this necklace to me, I've had it since I was born." She then put it on, fiddling with the red jewel. I was born to protect this...

Kakashi stared at Kaiya's necklace before stating. "I want to ask you something, Kaiya-chan."

Kaiya stared at Kakashi, with a confused expression on her face, while she awaited for his question.

What Fate Has Given [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now