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"They didn't last long as I expected... They didn't even defend theirselves..." Her voice came out, it wasn't as soft sounding as it usually did. Her voice sounded intimidating, it came out in a sickening manner of laughter.

"What happened to Kai-chan?" Obito asked in a hushed tone, he felt more fear than when he had to protect the Kuromaki female.

Kakashi's eye was set directly on Kaiya, watching as he turned around, facing the four of them. There was no doubt that Kakashi was worried of her well being, never seeing this side of Kaiya before frightened him. He knew her strength, and the power that came from the fire crystal that she wore.

This ain't like her at all, what happened to her? Kakashi mentally asked himself.

Kaiya's red eyes scanned over each of the faces of the four people who stood before her. She smiled lightly, glancing at her older brother, picking up the sword that she had stolen from him.

Itami took a a kunai from his pouch that was attached the the right side of his leg. Dammit, why did she have to train under the yellow flash, no wonder why she is quick.

A smirk covered her expression while she stood there silently, waiting for one of them to make a movement. Itami stared into her red eyes, while she stared into his. He growled lightly, while he began to think aloud. "The seal somehow undone when she hit her head on that rock... How is that possible? She hit her head, and that's nowhere near her heart."

"Maybe when she hit her head, it signalled the mind to access the part that have been sealed away while she was unconscious." Kakashi stated, while having a sweat drop hovering over his head, he muttered and sighed. "I see where Kai-chan gets it from."


"You don't think over the situation, and jump to the first conclusion you think of." Well, at least she thinks... Her brother on the other hand is strong, but a total idiot.

"How about you shut up, before I let you deal with her." Itami's eyebrow twitched, while he glared at Kakashi. Damn this kid, starting to get on my nerves...

"Just be glad that I saved you guys, I honestly thought Kaiya would be in trouble so I came, I didn't think she would wake any time soon." His eyes narrowed to the direction of his younger sister, who just at stood there and continued to watch them.

"After I deal with her, I have plans that must be completed." Itami stated, taking a few steps closure to the younger Kuromaki.

"I'll help you also." A soft voice was heard behind Itami, he turned looking towards the yellow haired jonin.

"Alright Flash, but all we need to do is knock her out, then I'll take it from there." Her turned to look at his sister once again.

"Since you are able to use the teleportation technique like Ko-chan... She'll have a hard time aiming any damage towards you, what make it better is that you know her strength."

Minato gave a nod, looking towards his red haired student. A shiver ran down his spine as he heard her laugh in a way she had never laughed before, a tone he had never experienced hearing from her.

"Another shinobi." She grinned mischievously, while she started running towards them. She swung the sword in front of her, barely missing the legs of the two that were protecting Minato's team.

She flicked her wrist, the blade quickly coming up, but before it made any contact. Minato kicked Itami, which caused him get out of the way of where the blade was about to hit.

She spun around, the sound of her feet scraping against the ground reached their ears, she aimed for Minato but missed due to his speed. Kaiya growled, glaring at both Minato and Itami, while they stared calmly at her.

Itami started to think, dodging the upcoming moves that she tried to use on him. How am I going to stop her, she's literally trying to kill me...

He jumped up, flipping himself over the blade that swung under him, he the touched the ground pushing himself back to his feet, after she started targeting her sensai.

He stopped, looking at the three who were watching them fight, Rin and Obito looked worried, but Kakashi had a more intense look in his eyes. He stood in front of both Obito and Rin, making sure that he was protecting them in case Kaiya chooses to attack them.

Itami widened his eyes, watching as the blade of his own sword came down, slicing deeply into his shoulder. Crap, I wasn't paying attention...

He looked into his sister's eyes, her green orbs were pretty dark, it changed into a darker shade once again. He pushed on the blade, making her fly back a bit, he then yanked the sword out of her hands. Taking back the sword that Ko have given him years ago. I have an idea...

They continued to fight, Kaiya often switched between fighting with Itami, and Minato. Landing a couple of marks on both of them. She threw a kunai at Itami, which he easily dodged. He jumped into a spot that was closer to the three that were standing there, noticing this Kakashi thought for a moment. Why is he lead in her towards us, what is Itami planning?

Kaiya was able to get an open punch on her brother, he flew into a tree leaving a mark of his body embedded into the bark.

His and Minato's plan were going in the perfect direction. Sadly, they had to use her lover against her.

Minato's body was cut in half by his Kuromaki student, a scream of his name was heard from her teammates. She turned, looking in the direction of Kakashi, Obito, and Rin. Her eyes held a flare of red, while it also held an emotion that could be easily read.

"Three more." She whispered, taking a step towards them. She picked up her brothers sword once again, stepping over his body and walking towards the three whom she forgot who were her friends.

She lunged at them, Obito and Rin quickly closing their eyes waiting for the upcoming pain. Kakashi stood there, his glaring wavering at her.

Her red eyes widened. Kakashi-kun...

She stopped on her tracks, the blade of the sword pointed directly at Kakashi's heart. She stared into his eye, seeing nothing but pain written into his dark coal orb. Tears threatened to escape, while one of her eyes turn black around the orb. She had awakened the secondary version of the keimasu. Her shoulders began to shake, while she started to cry, the sword still pointing at the boy she loved, he just stared at her, keeping himself from breaking down also.

"What's happening to me Itami?" She asked suddenly in a hushed tone.

"Don't worry, Kaiya... I'll help you get rid of this Kuroichi once again." Itami's voice whispered. "In the mean time, I'll see you when you awake." His hand came down, hitting a pressure point in the back of her neck knocking her out. She fell, but before face planting into the dirt, Itami picked her up, he then walked behind them, closely to Obito.

"I'll be dealing with her as I said, she will return momentarily, Flash." He stated.

"I trust you in helping her, thanks for saving my team as well." Minato gave a thanks, bowing down as he did so.

"Minato-sensai!" Both Obito and Rin called out. "You're alight!"

"Do you honestly think I'd go down just like that?" He asked. The two just rubbed the back of their necks sheepishly.

Itami turned to them, a smirk coming onto his face. "As I said earlier, I never had an intention on saving them, also I will be borrowing this." He muttered before knocking Obito out, and picking him up. "Kaiya I will return, But Obito? I'm taking him."

At that, Itami ran off quickly, leaving with both Obito and Kaiya.



He might have saved us, but he was never our ally in the first place, there is no doubt that he wouldn't miss the chance to take what he needed.

What Fate Has Given [DISCONTINUED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن