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"Minato-sensai! Do we have a mission?" Obito asked as he stared at the blonde with his coal coloured eyes.

"Actually, something like that." He stated. He held out three bells. "We are going to do some training."

"Not this again!?" Both Obito and Kakashi sighed.

Minato cleared his throat. "Yes, but this time. It is for Kaiya, this test will see if she is worthy enough to be a shinobi."

Obito put an arm around Kaiya and squeezed, he smiled as she looked at him. "Yes! So you're a ninja, that means you are on our team Kai-chan!"

She smiled back and nodded. "Yes, that is if I can make this."

"You will be able to make it Kai-san." Rin stated, as her brown orbs were bright.

"That's only if Kakashi-teme actually helps us!?" Obit glared at Kakashi.

Kakashi just glared harshly back at Obito, before scoffing.

"Ah, yes. Kaiya, we would like you to answer a few questions before we start." Minato stared at the young Kuromaki.

She gave a nod. "And what would that be?" She asked tilting her head slightly.

"I'd like you to introduce yourself, name, likes, dislikes, hobbies, dreams for the future, stuff like that." His blue orbs sparkled.

She stayed silent for a moment. R-Right now? Is this so that the team can know me better? "W-Well..."

"M-My name is Kaiya Kuromaki... My likes are... Uh-uhm... I like to read..." Her voice trailed off.

Minato made a motion with his hand that told her io keep going. Kaiya took a deep breath in, and then exhaled.

"I also like... Animals, as well as I... Like to... G-Go for nice walks..." She uttered.

Taking another intake of air, she continued. "M-My dislikes are, people who shame a person for who they are... Hurting both people and animals... A-And being around too much people."

Minato thought as he listened the the stuttering girl. That is a lot of anxiety... Is she really fit for this?

She looked down, as she began to speak. "M-My hobbies are... Walking, reading... A-And cloud dazing..."

"What about your dreams for the future?" Obito asked.

"Dreams for the future..." Kaiya thought for a moment. Dreams for the future... My family is already dead... What would my dream be if I lost everything? No... Itami is still there... Onii-san...

She looked looked down into her lap. "I-I just want... To make peace with my b-brother..." It's not too late yet... Unless it is... That night has already happened... There is no way I can change it...

"That is all..." Her voice faded as she spoke.

Minato cleared his throat. "Well then, let's get started." He pulled out the bells, and shook them. "You three already know what this task is for. Kaiya? All I ask of you is to take these bells from me."

She gave a nod. "Yes." There is three bells though... But four of us...

"Also, if you don't get a bell. You'll be tied to one of those posts, and have to go without lunch." He stated as he pointed to three logs.

Kaiya nodded. You're bluffing Minato-sensai. From what I learned of these past few days, is that Kushina-san will make sure we aren't hungry. Slightly giggling to herself she thought. Just like this morning when you told us not to eat, Kushina-san fed me!

"What's so funny?" Kakashi asked, as he stared at her with his usual bored expression.

"N-Nothing." She stuttered out, getting frightened slightly by the young Hatake.

He scoffed as he looked away from her. She is quite cute... But still, I can't let her beauty drag me down...

"Alright then, let us begin. Rule number one; ninja must hide affectively." Minato stated. "Alright, Start!"

At the point he said "start" the four genin hid around the training grounds, under insane speed.

Minato looked around the empty training field. Even Kaiya can hide nicely, but I'm not surprised. Knowing that she always had to hide from nearly everything...

"You shouldn't daze out, Sensai!" Obito shouted as he through some kunai, which Minato had easily dodged.

Throwing some more kunai, Minato scattered his own around the training field, he dodge the ones that Obito just threw.

Obito jumped in the air, and did some hand signs. "FIRE STYLE; FIRE PHOENIX JUTSU!"

Holding his hands in the tiger hand seal, his blew out flames that were in the form of giant circles, he blew out at least five of them at Minato.

He dodged Obito's attack, by jumping high enough into the air. He landed on his feet, slightly smirking at Obito. "You still have a long way to go."

"Rin now!" Obito signalled.

Rin came out of hiding and cut a rope with her kunai. She smiled as a log was released into the direction of Minato.

Obito jumped in the air, and landed beside Rin. The both of them held some hope for defeating their sensai.

The log flew towards Minato, he jumped higher, dodging the large log. But as he jumped, another log was released. With his speed he moved before the log could cause damage to him.

Minato teleported behind both Obito and Rin, and tapped them. "This is over."

The two sighed, as Obito shouted. "Awe! We blew it again!"

"That is good team work, Rin, Obito." He stated, as he left the two.

x x x x

"Why don't you help Obito-kun and Rin-chan?" Kaiya asked Kakashi, as she looked into his dark eyes.

He stared into her eyes also, as he spoke. "I don't need them to drag me down."

She thought for a moment before speaking. "Then... Can I help you? I promise I won't drag you down."

Kakashi stared at her as his face started to heat up. She's different... Usually all these girls just be a nuisance, by trying to get to know me. But her, she is definitely something else.

He sighed. "Fine, but we are going to have to come up with a plan to take Minato-sensai down."

She gave a nod, "So how are we going to do this?" She asked as she tilted her head a bit.

He blushed under his mask, most definitely admiring her beauty. Kaiya put a hand over his forehead, even though he was wearing his headband.

"Are you okay?" She asked as she examined his face, watching him go into a deeper shade of red.

He shook his head, removing her hand from his forehead. "N-No... Nothing's wrong."

She nodded. "Alright, how are we going to do this?" Her green eyes narrowed towards the grey haired male. "What's his weakness?"

"Weakness?" Kakashi repeated In a questionable tone. "I have no idea."

She sighed. "What about his strongest point?"

"I'll just say he is fast, very fast." Kakashi stated as he looked towards the blonde who was looking around. "Extremely fast, he could be behind in just a blink."

"Is that so? He is that fast?" She asked as her green eyes widened.

"You two might want to keep quiet a bit, don't you think?" Minato stated, as he stood behind them.

What Fate Has Given [DISCONTINUED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن