Twenty one

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"Rin-chan..." Obito mumbled in a groggy voice, shifting around in the bed he was in. He slowly opened his eyes, finally regaining consciousness. Where am I?

Obito turned his head, getting the sight of a terrified Itami who just stared at him with mismatched eyes. Obito raised and eyebrow while Itami relaxed, relieved that it was Obito to wake up and not his sister.

Itami adjusted the collar of his shirt while clearing his throat, before speaking sheepishly. "At least, it was you who woke up..."

Obito looked at the ceiling before trying to force himself to get up, he groaned while a shock of pain struck throughout his body.

"H-Hey!? Don't move you're still in recovery kid!" Itami slightly shouted, before clasping his hand on his mouth. He darted his head in the direction of Kaiya, who still laid there unconscious.

Obito stopped, relaxing his muscles at he continued to stared at Itami with the same mismatched eyes, as the older boy. He is the one that kidnapped me... Why is he worrying about my injuries for?

Itami glared lightly. "Don't look at me like that, you're starting to remind me of Madara-sama." He then stared at the brown orb that Obito was holding.

"Well, not really since I have switched our eyes."

"What?" He asked, finally letting out his voice, though it was scratchy from not using it in three weeks.

Itami sighed, handing him a mirror while muttering.. "Look for yourself."

Obito wrapped his fingers around the handle of the mirror, glancing at the reflecting of himself that was held in the item. He had his normal right eye, while his left one was replaced with another. It wasn't black, but the colour of chestnut. He put the mirror down, growling loudly while glaring at Itami. "Why did you take my-"

Itami put a hand over Obito's mouth, while glancing in Kaiya's direction. "Shh. You're gonna get us both killed if you don't shut up."

"Mmmh, ghmm, mmm, Mmph." He tried to speak through a muffled hand.


A sweat drop appeared above Obito's head, he sighed doing something he had never thought of doing to his enemy.

Itami flung back, sitting against the wall harshly while staring at his now slobbery hand. His eyebrow twitched, lowering his hand and staring at Obito with a slightly disgusted expression. "Did you just... Lick my hand!? What kind of shinobi does that?"

"Speak for yourself, you saved our lives then kidnapped us." Obito gave a cold glare to Itami.

"Manipulating." He simply stated.


"It's called manipulating, you idiot." He stated once more, before getting up and walking to his desk. Itami picked up a cloth, wiping off Obito's spit. He's even a bigger idiot than Kaiya.

"I'll have you know, I'm going to become hokage one day." Obito sat up, ignoring the pain in his body.

"I don't know how you're going to become hokage, if you keep licking people's hands."

"I will become hokage, I'll become the greatest leader that the hidden leaf village ever had!" A big smile came onto Obito's face.

"Do you even know what it means to be a leader of a village?" Itami asked, his voice suddenly becoming cold.

"The villagers must have faith in you while you protect the village, it's to be acknowledg-"

"Wrong." Itami interrupted Obito. "They all think it is to be acknowledged... Sure you protect the village, and earn the trust of the villagers..."

"Where are you going with this?" Obito asked angrily.

"But when you say that, it just makes you sound selfish. You are thinking about yourself becoming acknowledged, not about the villagers thoughts." Itami picked up a paper with writings on it, he turned to Obito placing a hand on his shoulder and lightly pushing.

Obito laid down, really listening to what Itami was saying. Itami paced the paper in the middle of Obito's chest, making a hand sign and activating it. The markings in the paper began glowing a blueish-green colour, while the colour began to spread throughout his body. Fresh cuts, old scars and bruises that he had developed over his last mission began to disappear. Once the jutsu had stopped, Itami took off the tag placing it back onto the desk.

"What did you do?" Obito asked.

"Ain't it obvious? I healed you with one of my sealing tags that I made." Itami smiled to himself. Finally, one had worked.

Itami cleared his throat, getting Obito's attention once again. "And if you get carried away, your villagers will start to go against you. They will no longer acknowledge you, but start to see you as a burden."

Obito remained quiet, his eyes darting away from Itami's direction every few seconds. Until he was finally able to say something. "If that is so, how can I become a great leader?"

Itami's eyes narrowed towards the younger boy, noticing how bright his aura is. "You have faith in your villagers, while they have faith in you. Because once you retire from your duty, one of the many villagers will take your place as the leader and then, they must do the same."

Obito gave a nod, giving a giant smile. "I will become the greatest hokage! And I will have faith in others, you better believe it! I'll become the best of all ninja!"

Itami stayed silent once more, taking a few steps towards Obito. He rested his hand on his shoulder, starting into his eyes whole simply stating. "Also, confidence is a good thing to have. But Obito, too much confidence can become a weakness."

"Tch. I'll show you, I'll become hokage, and I will get rid of whatever weakness I have." Obito crossed his arms.

A sweat drop appeared over Itami's head while sighing. This kid will never learn...

He continued to stare at Obito, he was a bright kid, a person that can make anybody feel better if he was to walk into the room. Sadness started to consume Itami, remembering what he was supposed to be doing. I'm sorry kid... But I'm going to have to do this...

Itami activated the sharingan, closing the eye that held the keimasu. At that moment, he sent Obito off into a genjutsu, using him as a experiment once more for his techniques. Instead of a genjutsu that the Uchiha's normally use, he paced a seal on it as well so he can keep the genjutsu lasting longer than usual.

I don't want to do this...

But I'm going to have to take away your cheerful attitude...

I'm going to have to take away what you love...

And that is the memories of your beloved Rin...

Forgive me for this...


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