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It's been about a month, since Kaiya has become a genin. Minato was given D-rank missions for Kaiya so she can just start off with simple tasks instead of harder ones.

She met quite a few people in the leaf village, having a couple more friends than before.

When Kaiya would go out for walks, she'd always find herself mostly on top of the hokage mountain, where she can see the sky. At times, you could also find her at the training grounds, practicing her shuriken aim.

Today, she was nearly to the top of the hokage mountain. She was going to sit in her usual spot, that she claimed over the month. Once she had made it to the top, she noticed someone sitting where she usually sat, her teammate perhaps? It was Kakashi.

Kaiya walked up to him, simply stating, as she stood beside him. "You are in my spot."

"Your spot? You stole mine." He grunted, looking off into the beauty of konoha.

Kaiya sighed, then chuckled to herself. "Yeah you're right." She then sat beside him.

"How are you?" She asked, as she stared off into the direction of the academy.

"I'm alright." He simply stated, before bringing up his knees, and hugging them.

Kaiya gave a small nod, looking into the direction of the Uchiha compound. Is that where Obito-kun lives?

"Is that where Obi-kun lives?" She asked, pointing towards the Uchiha compound.

Kakashi grunted, not liking the idea that she gave Obito a nickname, and not himself. He glared, his eyebrow slightly twitching as he spoke. "I thought you would know that by now, it has been a month since you were here."

She pouted. "What's your problem Kakashi-kun? Why do you always seem so cold?" She asked, her green orbs lightning up, as the colour mixed in with the emotion of concern.

"What? Do I seem cold to you?" He asked, his voice carrying irritation.

She shivered at his tone, squeaking a bit as she spoke. "J-Just a little..."

Kakashi stared at her, raising an eyebrow as his black orbs showed nothing but boredom, "Why?"

"What?" She squeaked, turning her head towards the older male.

"Why? Are you afraid of me?" He questioned, still holding boredom within his eyes.

She slightly nodded. "I-I don't know... I-I guess it's just your presence that gives off that h-hatred aura..." Her voice faded as she spoke.

His eyes widened slightly, before his emotion fell dull, he looked towards where his house was. Afraid of me... Hatred aura... What is she talking about...

After awhile, both of them sat in silence, liking each others presence as they sat together.

Kakashi bawled up his fists, as he continued to think why she was afraid of him. He sighed. Are these damn feelings, what you call a crush? Or so, whatever I heard Rin-chan mention...

Kaiya sat there, looking over the buildings and house around the middle of Konoha. She took a glance at Kakashi. I have given Ri-chan and Obi-kun a nickname... I should give Kakashi-kun one too!

A smile escaped her expression, she turned to Kakashi, as she smiled and asked. "Kaka-kun, what were you doing all day?"

He thought her question over, the nickname that Kiaya has given him, caught him off guard. Kaka-kun...?

He blushed under his mask, as he stated. "Just the usual... Went for walks, as well as I read four books today."

She kept smiling. "Really? That is quite a lot!"

What Fate Has Given [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now