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"That must be them." Rin uttered, as she headed towards the door, once she had opened it, Obito and Kakashi stood there.

"Where's Minato-sensai?" Kaiya asked, tilting her head a little.

"We didn't pick him up yet." Kakashi stated bluntly.

"I see." Kaiya nodded, as she walked up to the window, staring thoughtfully.

"What are you thinking about, Kai-chan?" Obito asked as he stood beside her.

"The Kiminari people... Are such good people... He just doesn't understands..." Her voice faded off.

"Are you alright, Kai-chan?" Kakashi asked as he also stood on the other side of Kaiya.

A small display of shock entered her eyes, as she stared into Kakashi's, then her green eyes turned soft. Why did that feel nice, hearing him calling me a friend...

Kaiya turned her head, looking out the window as she answered. "I'm great, actually. There are just some things that bothering me..."

"What would that be?" Kakashi asked, a small amount of worry was in his voice.

She stood there for a moment. "Minato-sensai, Hokori, I know that you are my sensai, and the leader of this clan. But, do you think it is wise to spy on us?"

Kakashi, Obito, and Rin looked shocked as Minato and Hokori both stepped into the room. "How did you know they were there?" Rin asked Kaiya.

"Their chakra and all." She stated, before turning and connecting eyes with Hokori.

"You are not Kai Uzumaki are you?" Hokori asked, in a demanding voice, as he put a hand on the handle of his golden sword, that has been carved to perfection.

"May be so." She simply stated, before he took his sword out and pointing in Kaiya's face. She just chuckled, as she stared at the tip of his sword.

"Tell me who you are!" He demanded, making his blade go forward.

An intense feeling filled the room, as Kaiya stayed quiet for a moment trying to think of a way she can get her friends out. The four felt nervous, as they watched Kaiya get backed up into the corner. "Answer me!" He growled another time.

"The name is Kaiya Kuromaki." She stated, before her green eyes turned red.

"I knew it, I knew you were the princess, coming to destroy the village hm?" He asked, still pointing the sword at her.

She just shook her head. "I'm part of the hidden leaf, I am here to help. Besides, if I wanted to destroy this village, I probably would have done it by now."

"All you Kuromaki's think the same, war... War, you think it's all about war." He stated.

"Hokori-kun... I'm apart of the hidden leaf village, I had enough of this war. Besides, the Kuromaki are dead."

"Lies! I shall never forgive you Kuromaki for killing my parents!" He shouted.

"Then what should I do!? You Kiminari killed my parents, and yet I'm still forgiving you!" Kaiya shouted as she lost control of herself.

She grabbed a kunai and held it against his neck, as he held the sword against hers. Both of them stared at each other in both anger, and sadness.

"What do you mean?" He asked, pushing bit harder, as Kaiya did the same.

"Years ago, we got attacked. My parents were found dead, they were killed by you Kiminari. My brother was in rage, he attacked a couple months later, killing yours."

"So then, that man was..." His voice faded off, he didn't move, he kept his position, as Kaiya was doing to same in order to not drop their guards. His eyes narrowed towards the hidden leaf ninja. "So what about them? What is the reason they came?"

"As we said yesterday, we are only here because of the request of the village elder." Kaiya stated, "If they were on my side, I would have ordered them to kill you, prince Hokori..." She stayed quiet for a moment, before consulting. "Wait, prince? Or is it king now?"

"I have no idea, I just got used hearing leader all the time." He uttered, they loosened their grip on each other.

They pulled away, Kaiya leaned against the wall as she stared into Hokori's eyes. While he leaned against another wall staring into Kaiya's, her eyes went back to green as she continued staring.

He sighed, and shrugged. "Oh well, it seems I am going to have to trust you Kaiya, or do you prefer Kai?" He asked.

"Call me Kai." She stated, as she put the kunai back into her weapon pouch.

As for Hokori, who put his sword back into his holster, he started to walk out of the room as Kaiya followed him. She turned and asked. "Aren't you guys coming?"

All three of them stared at her in shock, Obito exclaimed. "He just nearly tried killing you, Kai-chan! How can you just trust him like that."

"That was just a simple reflex, when we Kiminari run into a Kuromaki, usually it turns into war. But then again, you are clever enough to make me think you were an Uzumaki, Kai-san." He smiled.

Kaiya bowed. "Thanks, and forgive me I should have just told you right away, but I didn't want to make your clan members think that you are against them."

Hokori gave her a questionable look, before continuing to walk. After leaving the room and locking it, the five left off to start their mission.

Different you may seem, Kaiya-sama... But, you still seem to be as kind as the last time I saw you... Hokori's eyes narrowed towards Kaiya, watching as she was looking at the things around her curiously. But the look in your eyes, certainly have changed...

"Here it is, the village elders stay here." They stopped in front of a giant building that was painted blue.

Hokori headed in while the shinobi were right behind him, as they needed to figure out what their mission was.

But what they did not know, is that someone was watching them, awaiting a perfect time to attack the prince of the Kiminari clan.

He whispered as he watched the young Kuromaki child enter the building. "So this is where you had run to, Kaiya..."

The enemies territory...

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