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"Five drop seal..." She whispered as she cut her hand, letting the blood fall onto the child beneath her.

Itami stared at his hand, taking the blade in his other, gently cutting into his skin while watching a single drop of blood landing onto his younger sister's body. Watching as the seal began to glow, which was written in both of his mothers and his own blood.

"So... This is the five drop seal..." He whispered to himself as he watched the jutsu activate.

Even though the child was unconscious, she screamed due to the pain of the seal, it was unbearable for a child her size. Itami's face changed from calm to a slightly concerned expression.

His mother put a hand on Itami's shoulder, giving him a soft stare. "She will be alright, Itami."

Itami have a nod. "I know, but it will only be a matter of time when the seal comes undone."

"That may be so, but this is a jutsu that we have created. It won't be undone, until the day that we are both dead." Her emerald eyes stared at the markings on the wall, the sacred wall of the Kuromaki.


"Yes Itami?"

"Why do we have to live like this... Why can't we unite with the Kiminari, instead of having war?" His voice faded off in the question he has just asked.

"I don't know Itami... Maybe they just don't see that we are helping." She answered, still not looking towards her son.

"Helping? But we stuck them in that place, in the place that will never shut up."

His mother gave out a soft chuckle. "Even though, in a place like that. We are the ones that are suffering. For they, are the ones that have better resources for food, water, and maybe even growing crops as well."

"I see, but we have a land that can help us grow crops also, but it usually becomes so hot here."

She nodded. "Yes, and because of that the crops dry up and die, leaving us nothing to eat or to make medicine with."

"I see..." He stated in a hushed tone.

"We help the Kiminari with a lot of things, since they live in the kind of place where plants that are used for medicine cannot grow. We send it to them, then they often given us food so our village can eat."

"So... Like trading?" He looked into his mothers emerald eyes.

"Yes, trading indeed. But you can also say, returning the favour."

Returning the favour?

Yes... That is what I was doing.... I was returning the favour to Hokori... Returning the favour of loneliness and despair... From myself and Kaiya... Itami stopped, he looked over the the village. He stared at the largest mountain, knowing that his little sister would be there, since she had always liked to look at sceneries since she was a young child.

Madara-sama told me not to interfere with anything... I am just here to check up on her... His eyes widened as he saw her, wearing the same attire of what Kushina used to wear when she was a child. Having her hair pinned up the same way and actually wearing her headband on her forehead. "K-Kushina-chan..." He whispered in shock. You mean, the hidden lead village... Is where aunty Kushina stays?

He watched as Kaiya wrapped her hand around Kakashi's, smiling at him while slightly laughing.

Kakashi rubbed the back of his head sheepishly while a blush formed on his masked face.

I can't believe it... You mean Kaiya has already gotten ridden of her loneliness?

"Hey! Kaiya, Kakashi! We got you something to eat!" Kushina came running up the mountain with a basket, while Minato fallowed right behind her.

Kushina-san... No wonder why, she had said everything I taught her was wrong... I taught her the exact same opposite of what Kushina-san taught me...

Tears began to slowly fall down his pale cheeks, as he watched both Minato and Kushina hug Kakashi and Kaiya, watching as she laughed and smiled.

He sat down, beginning to cry. After he was done, he gave out a shakey laugh. "As always... I'm so soft hearted..." I took everything from her once...why am I choosing to do it again... I had no idea that she finally is happy, with what she has here... As a shinobi, and as a true person...

"Kai-chan... Here..." Kakashi muttered as he handed her a small box.

She stared at the light blue box, holding it while she asked. "What is this for, Kaka-kun?"

"Uh... It's for those crystals that you are keeping safe, you know... The water and lightning..." His face became a darker shade of red.

Kaiya smiled slightly as she gave a hug to Kakashi, thanking him for the present that she gave him.

So... You were lying to me Kaiya... You truly have changed from these past two months. He grit his teeth while watching her place the two necklaces in the box, and locking it with the locket that came with the gift. You lied to me... Kaiya...

He continued to watch, while the four had a picnic on the mountain, after they were done. Kushina stated. "Look at the time, it is getting late. Kaiya lets go back home, I don't want you staying up most of the night with your boyfriend again."

"Kushina-chan!" Kaiya exclaimed while both of her and Kakashi's face became a dark shade of red.

So... Kaiya, you are under Kushina-san and Minato-san's protection... I'm glad, so then the Kuromaki won't come out...

He then looked in the direction of Kakashi.

If you dare hurt my sister... I will come back and kill you in the most painfully way possible. At that thought, Itami left the hidden leaf village heading back to the base where Madara was at.

x x x x

"So... How was it?" His deep voice rumbled.

"It seems Kaiya has both of the crystals that I need." Itami stated, while bowing down to the older male.

"Is that so..." His voice faded off, he pulled out a string, out of his pocket. Along with another crystal, a clear one. "So I guess you won't be needing this."

Itami's eyes widened. Where on earth did he get that!

It was the wind crystal, also know as the breeze. The most rarest of them all.

"But Madara-sama, I am not a wind type, I won't be able to cooperate properly with its power." Itami exclaimed.

"Yes, but I know who will..." His voice faded off one again.

"Who would that be!?" He asked in a slightly loud voice.

There was a long pause of silence, before he spoke the name.

"Obito Uchiha."

What Fate Has Given [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now