I'm Fine... Levi

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Chapter Twenty-Six: I'm Fine... Levi

Derek gasped awake, Josh's body was right on top of him. "Damn" Derek knew what he saw was real, it was as real as Josh's body which lay next to him. Scrambling to his feet he knew he had to get to Levi. Levi was in danger more than anyone else.

The memory he saw from Josh's mind was something he couldn't even fathom. They where going to force Levi into shifting, meaning that Levi was in life and death. If the shift didn't go well then that means Levi could die.

Xavier ripped the door open and started at Stiles who was chained to a bed facing upwards. "Stiles?!" Stiles looked up startled "Xavier? Is that you" Xavier ran to him as he started to rip the binds off of Stiles. "Are you okay?" Stiels was free from the binds as Xavier grabbed him. "I'm fine... Levi?" Xavier stared at Stiles. "We'll get you out of here first" Xavier ran out of the room. Taking twists and turns until he came out of the building.

The rest of the pack where their. "You guys!" Scott came rushing over taking Stiles in his arms as he sets his friend down. "What happened?" Stiles looked at the faces that sorrounded him. "Where's Derek? Levi?" They stared at Stiles "how long do we have?" Xavier stared at Lydia who held a stop watch "we got less than three minutes" Xavier looks at Stiles who looked panicked "I'm going in" before anyone could protest Xavier ran off back in the building.

"What's going on why aren't you after him?" They stared at Stiles. "Stiles. We came face to face with this old man. And we just came out of it barely alive. But Lydia felt something as if it was a ticking bomb. We messaged Derek that he needs to get out of the building. All our hope know is for Xavier to recover them".

Stiels tried to sit up but his body gave way. "No! Derek Levi!" Scott grabbed Stiles "you can't" Stiles fought against Scott who held him down. His wolf powers taking over the rest had to pitch in. Then there it was...

It's coming to an end...







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