Chapter 3

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Bella's P.O.V

The next morning, Alice and the girls were getting ready for breakfast with Jasper and his friends. She wanted me to come with them, even told me she'd make sure Edward and I don't cross paths but I stepped my foot down. There's no way I'll give him a chance to insult me more.

My sister was upset I wouldn't go to have breakfast with them but unfortunately my pride got the best of me. After they left I walked down at the cafeteria in the hotel with my book. It was peaceful and the weather was really nice. I got myself a coffee with a cupcake and sat by a window as I read.

"Good morning," a voice said, interrupting my reading. I look up to a handsome young man dressed with a Navy shirt with matching pants. "I'm Jacob Black, you are?"

"Isabella Swan." I shake his head. "You're in the Navy?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yes. I'm with the experienced group of guys. I saw you last night at the party, I figured you might be a nurse."

I nodded. "I am."

"Do you mind if I?" He points to the empty seat across from me.

"Go ahead." I close my book and place it next to me on the table. I sit up straight and take a drink of my coffee.

"So, I saw you dancing with Edward Cullen last night," he said.

"Oh, yeah." I look down at my cup of coffee. "He is the type of man who makes it hard to agree with." I may dislike Edward to such point I never thought possible. In less than I day I learned he's the last person I want to encounter but I certainly will never speak ill of him.

"So I saw," he replied. "I've known Mr. Cullen long enough to know that his character is never tolerable anywhere he is. He never had many friends back when we went to school. I still find it hard how him and Jasper and Emmett are best friends."

Best friends? All three of them? How can Jasper and Emmett possible tolerate him? Something in my head clicks the moment I realize he said back when we went to school. Does that means he knows him from years before?

"Since when do you know Mr. Cullen?" I asked, leaning on the table.

He nodded. "Yes, since we were children. Almost twenty years ago, we were just silly children starting kindergarten. Our fathers were very good friends and after mine passed, his father took care of me and my mother."

"Oh, I figure you and him grew up together."

"We did. Trust me, you don't have to hide your disliking toward him from me, I've known him long enough to know no one can tolerate him," he smiled at me. "Do not be surprised by him, the only person who actually get his affection is his sister."

I shook my head. "That still doesn't explain why such disrespect. What could have possibly happened to him to be such way? Was he always like that?"

He shook his head. "Not really. When we were kids he was so generous and kind but that was until his father died when he was in his early teens. Then, him as the eldest was to be in charge of the family and study. Ever since then he turned cold and ignorant. Of course that was probably because he was left under the care of his selfish mother who only cared about the family fortune."

I can't help to feel pity for him. I can't imagine how must it feel to lose a parent and such a young age where everything seems so confusing. I sure wouldn't survive but even if that's the reason behind all that arrogance, it still angers me. I was offended by him and an offense is not easily forgotten. At least, not by me.

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