Chapter 21

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Bella's P.O.V

Dear Isabella,

I know it's been a while since you and I both last talked. After supporting weeks and weeks of constant insistence from your mother, I finally came to agree to send you this letter. I came to realize, my darling, that you're not my little girl anymore and you've made your choice. Even when I can't find myself to agree to it, I will put my prejudice aside. I invite you and the man you have chosen as your husband to our home for more than one thing.

First, I think you'd finally like to meet your niece. She's gorgeous and I think both your mother and sister would like to see you again.

Second, The Foundation Ball is happening really soon and I know how much you loved to help out with that event for the greater good of other families. It'll be a chance to finally introduce your husband to your part of the family.

Third, I'd like to give you both in person the blessing I so selfishly kept from you.

I wish to redeem myself, my darling. I hope you can see my regret and accept this poor man's apology.

With love,

Your father.

I put the letter down and sigh. He really is embarrassed and I know how hard it is to get my father to swallow his pride and apologize. I smile to myself, running my hand down my still flat belly. Maybe my baby will have his grandfather there for him, I was so afraid he wouldn't, that he'd reject him but maybe not. Maybe we all finally have a chance to be a family.

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