Chapter 18

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Bella P.O.V

It was very early in the morning, the sun was barely rising at the far horizon. The sky was turning from the pitch black to the light blue sky.

I couldn't sleep in all night, my head spun around with so many thoughts that sleep wasn't an option. All I could think about was Edward, his mother's words and what to do. Mrs. Cullen's words really broke my heart and it wasn't because of the suppose marriage with Tanya Denali but about what she said about my family. How did she know my parents had ran away together? There was no way.

My mother told us the story, it wasn't something that she was very proud of, it was something she wanted to share with us since in our family secrets were not a thing.

Her and my father met back when she was eighteen. She was the only child from a very judgmental father who wanted her to devote herself to the church when he knew that was something my mother did not want. When it was clear that he would never give his blessing on their relationship, they ran away. It wasn't the best idea, it turned out into a huge chaos. My grandfather in order to save his reputation married my parents and gave them a home.

After their marriage, all communication between my mother and her family ceased. She talks once in a while with them but my father is never involved with anything that has to deal with them. Once Alice and I were born, we were only allowed to visit them for two weeks during summer after our classes were over.

How would Mrs. Cullen know about my parents? Our families are both from very different worlds; they're rich snobs - which my father hates - and we're a humble family that lived off the hard work from our parents and suffered during the Great Depression.

All the thinking got me overwhelmed to the point I had to take a walk, no matter how early it was or how cold it was outside.

I walked along the shore, wrapping myself in my coat when the cold winds hit. It was a very quiet morning, I liked it. It have me the opportunity to clear my mind. The morning was peaceful, uneventful until I saw him. He was far but I knew it was him, I'd recognized him anywhere.

I stopped where I was, my breath was caught in my throat in a tight knot when I realized he was walking in my direction. It wasn't a slow walk, or the kind that I was taking to clear my mind. He was walking fast, almost determined in my direction. He knew it was me and he was coming my way.

I swallow when we're face to face, standing right in front of each other in our coats and probably sleeping clothes. His hair is a mess and it seems like he has not shaven in a while.

After a brief silence, I say, "I think it's now a tradition to meet like this."

He nods in response.

"I couldn't sleep," I say as a matter of explanation for my being here.

"Me neither," he responded. "My mother-"

"Yeah, she was here."

He sighed, his eyes never looking away from mine. He looked sad, even ashamed.

"How can I amend for such behavior?" He asked.

"After what you've done for Angela and her family, I think it's I who should be making those amends."

"You must know, surely you must know that if I did, it was all for you," he whispered. "Bella, I am an asshole. I know that. Since the moment I met you until recently. The only reason why I was trying to avoid you was because I wanted you to be with someone worth it but the simple thought caused me pain." He stepped forward, closing the space between us.

I take a deep breath, my eyes roaming down from his eyes down to his small nose, to his full lips then back up to his eyes.

"You're too good to deal with me," he whispered. "I believe you spoke with my mother last night and it's taught me to hope, more than what I have ever allowed myself before. If you're feelings are the same as they were last November, tell me now. My affections and wishes have not changed but only a simple word from you will silence me on the subject forever."

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