Chapter 29

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Edward's P.O.V

My heart raced as the car came to a slow stop in front of the Swan's property. I've been waiting hours to get here, my body shaking with anticipation for hours and my fists clenched tighter. Now, here we are. My wife is right behind that door with her family and not a minimal idea of what her father did to me. She can cry for all I care, but when I through that door, I'm carrying her to our bedroom, packing our clothes and leaving within an hour. She can send her goodbye's through a damn letter for all I care.

"Now, let's not-Edward!"

I bolt out of the car and run to the front door, ignoring Jasper calling out my name and following right behind me. The door is locked, so I slam my fist against it over an over again, shouting my wife's name.

"Bella, open the door! We're going home!"

"Edward, keep it down! Jesus Christ!" Jasper tried to pull me back. "Edward, you're gonna cause a scene!"

"I don't give a damn!" I push him away. My anger is rising to the tipping point and the more I'm being deprived from seeing my wife, the more angry I'm getting. "If Bella doesn't come out that door-"

"We're not even sure if she's here!"

"Then Charlie better be ready to do some fucking explaining!" I turn to bang on the door and it immediately opens. And the man I was just expecting to see is the one that opens that goddamn door and he is more than shocked. "Charlie, good to see you!"

"Edward... We've been so worried," he said cautiously, eyeing the both of us. "Jasper, where was he?"

"Very far away from home," he replied.

"Yeah, you see I lost myself on the way home," I said sarcastically. "And I found myself walking for three days in the middle of fucking nowhere after I'd been kidnapped by three men that didn't know how to keep their mouth shut."

Charlie gave me a fake worried look. "Dear Lord, you we're kidnapped? Are you okay? What am I saying, you look so sick! Come inside, let me fix you some tea."

Really? I look back at Jasper, who looks back at me with yeah, he really is serious and I respond with my I have to do it shrug before launching myself at Charlie. He is old and very easy to hand, so he fell pretty quickly. I grabbed him by the shirt and dragged him up to his feet, pushing him against the far way in the living room. He grunts, holding on tightly to my hands as I push him up further against the wall.

"You sick bastard, who did you hire to kidnap me?!" I shout at his face.

"I didn't-"

"They told me!" I shout. "They fucking told me so don't try to deny it! Who did you hire? Why do this to me and your daughter?"


"Not now, Jasper!"


"I said not now!" I glare at Charlie. "Where is my wife?"

"She's with my son."

I look over my shoulder and look at Madam Sofia walking down, almost like there wasn't some crazy man holding her business partner against the wall. She walks up to us with all the calmness in the world and places her hand on my shoulder. "Now, we can talk like civilized people or you can strangle her father until he's not able to give you the information you want. Your choice."

"Edward," Charlie grunts. "Think about Bella."

I glare at him. "You are at not place to tell me to think about my wife." And I drop him. I look back at Madam Sofia. "What do you have to do with all this?"

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