Chapter 22

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Edward's P.O.V

My Bella and I unloaded the car with our luggage and settled in her old room. Bella said it had much changed since the last time she was here. What used to be a two bed room shared by two sisters, it was now a whole guest room. She even shed a few tears of happiness when she entered the room again.

I can't say it made me happy to be here. Judging by the glaring Bella's father, Mr. Swan, gave me as we walked to their dinning room, made it clear that he was not happy by my presence here as well. The men took a seat at the dinning table while the women went into the kitchen. Bella was more than happy to go help her mother and sister, leaving me with her father.

I took the opportunity to take a look around her old home. It was small, very small but it had that sense or feeling that made you feel at home. The colors were warm and pictures of the family were displayed throughout. Well, more of Mr. Swan's wife and daughters, none of him. The dinning room was small, the table was big enough for all of us and a small chandelier hanged from the ceiling. This was a home, much more close and warm than the one I grew up in.

Jasper held his little girl in arms, smiling at her with all the adoration in the world.

"That little girl really does have you wrapped around your finger," I pointed out before I drank from my whiskey.

"Don't all girls," Mr. Swan replied. "When Alice was first born, her mother wouldn't even lay her down for more than five seconds."

"Well, we can say history repeats itself," Jasper said. "Alice is exactly the same with Marie." He looked at me and asked, "And how are things back at the Harbor? Have you heard anything from Emmett?"

I nod. "Yes, indeed. He recently married Rosalie Hale, you remember her don't you?"

"Yes, yes. She was Alice housemate," Jasper said. "Offer them my congratulations when you get back. And is your family in great health?"

"Does Bella not seem in great health?" I joked before drinking from my whiskey again. Jasper chuckled.

"And exactly how is your family?" Mr. Swan asked, leaning back on his chair. "Your mother?"

I swallow. "I have not spoken to my mother for a while. I do hope she's well but her choices have left evident of where I stand in her life and she has no place in mine."

In that moment, our women walked in with the food ready. I helped Bella out with the turkey she tried to carry out but it looked the turkey was bigger than her and her small arms couldn't carry such thing. She smiled at me when I helped her place it at the center of the table and kissed my cheek, ignoring the fact her parents are in the same room as us. I smile at her before taking a seat next to her.

We all began eating, Bella continued to ask about Alice and her daughter, how things in her pregnancy had gone. Alice and Jasper answered these questions happily, but I noticed the looks Alice gave Bella every once in a while and yet Bella ignored them. She then asked about their parents health. I noticed Bella was very happy to be home, happy to be with her family and that just made my miserable being happy to see her like this.

"How about you two?" Mrs. Swan asked with a warm smile. "How does marry life treat you?"

"Very well," I said with a smile, taking Bella's hand in mine. "Doesn't it?"

Bella smiled back. "It sure does."

"And where do you live?" Her father asked.

Bella tensed at this. She gave my hand a slight squeeze before answering, "Um, we have a lovely home in Pearl Harbor. We recently-"

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