Chapter 11

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Bella's P.O.V

December 1, 1941...

It's been days since I've last heard from Mr. Cullen, almost a week. I talked to Rosalie, who gave me the exact information as the one that came in the letter. Mr. Cullen talked Jasper into going for his own good because of his father and that Jacob fled his draft because he was a coward. I fell for his lies and I even thought of him as I friend.

I've never felt so betrayed before.

I tried to talk to Emmett but unfortunately the pilots were in a tight spot right now. They were stuck at the base a day training and manufacturing the planes. The pilots weren't allowed out of their work stations very often. You could hear the planes flying above the hospital and over town all day as they practiced.

The hospital was quiet most of the time, Jessica chatted most of time we were in the front desk and the rest of us soon got busy with the old patients here at the hospital. Especially one, Mr. Garner. He's a lovely old man that was brought here weeks before because of a heart condition. I was asked to be at his assistance for whatever he liked since he was a very cherished man around town.

He is lovely to talk too and even the old age doesn't take away the little flirt he is. He is also very wise, I've never met someone with that level of maturity and intellectually like his.

I walk in his room with the tray of food in hand. He smiles at me, that sweet old smile of his he always has since I've met him.

"Morning, Garner," I said as I pushed his tray to his bed. I press the red button on the side of his bed that helped him sit up.

"Hello, sweetheart, how was your morning?" He asked.

"Productive," I replied with a smile. "I know for a fact yours was also, isn't that right, Mr. Garner?"

He huffed. "These doctors now days trying to find everything wrong with you just to keep you in bed. I've had this cyst all my life and it never bothered me."

"Well, it's just some precautions," I said. "Now, don't be grumpy. I brought you breakfast and I hope you finish it."

He looked at his food and back at me with pouty lips. "Would you be a sweetheart and bring real food, maybe a hamburger?"

I laughed. "No, that has a lot of grease that's not good for you. I thought you didn't want to be here anymore."

"Oh, I'm just joking. I happen to like my nurse."

I chuckled. I walk to the machines that we have him connected to and take down some notes regarding his heart rate and blood pressure along with his nervous system. He watched me as I do this and once I'm finished, I look at him.

"Everything seems to be in order, maybe if at this rate you'll be able to leave in a few days."

"So I'm fine?" He asked.

I nod. "You are. Do you want me to turn the TV on for you so you're not bored?"

"Thank you, sweetheart."

He laid back on his bed as I turned all the TV. All there was on now days was news about the war out in the Middle East, documentaries and updates about what was going on. Mr. Garner liked to watch it, he was one of the soldiers involved for the four years of The Great War in 1914. Two decades later, he sits in the hospital watching the continuation of the second World War.

Soon after I checked Mr. Garner ate all of his meal without complaining, I left back to the register. Jessica looked happy, more than happy, she looked excited and she couldn't help but to tell me why once I got to the register.

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