Chapter 7

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Bella's P.O.V

November 17, 1941...

We've been here almost a month and a half. And it's been a very eventful month. Work was kept everyone the busiest, even when we're not taking care of the soldiers, we help out in the hospital with many other things that keeps us busy. I love my job, I enjoy helping people who are in need. My sister loves it too, she says it was something we were made for.

She and her boyfriend get closer and closer with each passing day. Of course, Alice is known to be very clingy around him. It is her first boyfriend. I like the way Jasper takes care of her, watches after her and even the way he looks at her. I was a little hesitant when they began dating but Jasper has proven himself to be very respectful.

Not alike his best friend Mr. Cullen. Unfortunately, his friendship with Jasper doesn't help me since every time Jasper, Emmett and Ben come over, he does too. His manners are the worse. He would sit there and not talk the entire time, only when it was directly toward him and he was forced to answer. He ignores me, not that I care but when he comes for his checkup the entire appointment he remains silent and once it's over, he leaves without a goodbye. I can't believe he has the decency to act offended when it's him who should he ashamed.

Though, I can't deny something inside me wakes up when our eyes meet every time. It's like an electric shock like the time our hands touched but I choose to ignore it. I can't let him affect me. I do notice how he looks at me during his visits with Jasper and I don't like to think he likes me, but it is something new.

Jacob Black has grown to be a very good friend of mine. I really do enjoy our talks and even our evenings walking along the shore at sunset. I'm amazed how he knew that I loved the sunset here at the harbor. He was a gentlemen, he even brought me flowers one time and I have to say, I was very flattered.

Today at the hospital is a very slow day. The rooms are silent as patients are taken care of. Jessica let's out a loud yawn to show how bored she is over and over again, it's annoying.

We hear a loud crash from the outside. We both look at each other before sprinting outside the hospital. Many people stopped and looked at the sky. I follow and I'm shocked to see the smoke in the sky, line up toward the military base.

"What happened?" I asked as the ambulance rushed out of the hospital with the loud sirens.

"An plane malfunctioned," said a man. "It exploded or something. I hope the poor guy made it out alive."

"My God," I said as I watched the smoke slowly disappear.

The ambulance came five minutes later and I prepared myself to receive the injured man. The paramedics rushed out of the ambulance, pulling the bed with them. After them, Mr. Cullen rushed out, his white shirt covered in blood. Jessica with a disgusted look walked away but I rushed toward them.

I was shocked to see it was a young boy, maybe just turned eighteen with burnt marks all over his body and a piece of metal hanging from his side. He's loosing a lot of blood.

"Call Dr. Harmon now!" I shouted at Jessica who jumped to her feet and rushed away, calling Dr. Harmon's name.

"Please, please, I don't want to die!" The boy cried.

"It's alright, Dr. Harmon will you see immediately!" I assured him. Dr. Harmon ran out and asked to take him to operations to get the metal out.

I sigh, crossing my arms over my stomach. What was a young boy doing in a air force plane?

"Is he going to be okay?" Mr. Cullen asked from behind me.

I turn to look at him. I'm shocked to see the worried look on his face, how he looks like he's about to rip his hair out any second from now.

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