Chapter 30

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Bella's P.O.V

I turn to my godmother, who runs out of the house with a hysterical look on her face. I stop her just in time before she ran me over. My sister comes running right behind her with a panicked look on her face as well. What in the world is going on? I look at my godmother, who cries and shakes uncontrollably. Marcus steps in and takes his mother in his arms.

"Mom, what's the matter?"


"Bella, Dad is hurt!" Alice cries out.

"What?" We all rush inside. Mom is kneeling next to my father, who lays on the floor right next to the stairs. He is groaning in pain, holding onto his left arm. "Dad! Oh my God, what happened?" I kneel down beside him. He is really hurt. "Mom, what-"

"His shoulder is dislocated," she says as calm as she can as she lays his head on her lap. He curses under his breath and takes my hand in his.

"What happened?" Alice snaps as she takes crying Marie in her arms.

Madam Sofia wipes her tears away, but holds on tightly to her son. Marcus looks at his mother worriedly, hugging her and telling her to take deep breaths. When she finally composes herself, she looks down at us and whispers one simple thing.


Shock runs through me.

"He's back?" I stand up immediately. He's back? Where is he? "My husband is back?"

She scoffs and shakes her head. "How can you possibly call that man your husband? He is an animal! An inconsiderate, wild animal with no class whatsoever!"

"What are you talking about?" I cry out angrily. "Edward is not a wild animal, he is a noble man!"

"He hurt your father!" She points at my father with a shaky fingers.

There's a loud gasp in the room and I'm sure that gasp came from me. No, there is no way Edward could have hurt my father. He isn't violent, he has never been violent. Why would he do it? Where is he? Tears start forming and my breath gets caught in my throat. No, I can't believe Edward would do this.

"That can't be true," I choke out. "It can't. Edward would never-"

"He did, I was here!"

"Aunty Sofia," Alice steps in. She herself is doubting what my godmother is say. "I know Edward for years now, he would never do such a thing. Even Jasper knows and he has known him longer than the both of us."

Madam Sofia sighs. "Darlings, he came here screaming like a madman. Saying he was going to leave, that he couldn't do it. When he came here and saw you were gone, he took the chance to go upstairs and pack his stuff, Jasper was with him. Your father and I rushed up behind him, tried to persuade him not to abandon you but he wouldn't listen. Then your father stepped in, they got into a fight until he pushed him down the stairs."


Edward was going to leave me? My hand flies to my stomach as my heart starts to break. No! Bella, you know Edward. He wouldn't do that, he wouldn't abandon his wife and child. He wouldn't.

"You're lying," I whisper through my tears. "You're lying. Why would he-?"

"Then why are his things packed?" She insists. "Why is your father-"

I raise my hand to stop her talking and look down at my mother. He is still groaning and holding onto my father, he hasn't spoken a word. I slowly kneel right next to him and with my hand, I guide his face toward mine. His expression is blank, I can notice the difficultly he is having to breath but nothing else. Mine, however, is filled with hurt.

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