Chapter 40

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Bella's P.O.V

There was something in the air. Something heavy and uneasy and it radiated off Carlisle, Esme, Seth and Diana. They were tensed, avoided eye contact and they weren't much mood for chatter. I made me uneasy, like something was wrong. Could it be Edward? Have they heard any bad news? Good news? Something they might want to keep from me, but no, I'm not about to have it that way. I have just as much right as them to know what goes on in my husband's case. The whole town already knows that Edward has been thrown in jail, they look at me every time I step foot outside my home but they do not know that the man I call my husband is innocent. Innocent until proven guilty and that's exactly what will happen.

I place my shopping bags on the floor beside my feet and reach in my purse to grab my house keys.

"Let me help you with that." I turn to look at a young man, blonde and with very bright blue eyes. He reaches down and takes my shopping bags from the stairs and smiles at me. "Please, lead the way."

I frown. "Excuse me, you are?"

"Oh, my apologies. Bad manners, I'm Jason, new in the neighborhood." He manages to carry all bags with one hand and offers me the free one. "Saw you were having some trouble and thought I could help."

I take his hand. "Isabella Cullen, nice to meet you. And please, don't trouble yourself, I am more than capable to carry my groceries inside."

"No trouble at all," he grins, grabbing both bags with his hands. "Your husband isn't home?"

I give him a sad smile. "No, not at the moment." Or for God knows how long.

I go toward the door. I don't know how I feel about allowing a stranger in my home with me, especially since he's new in town and no one knows a thing about him. But he looks friendly and I could really use the help, a pregnant woman can't possibly do anything once she enters her third trimester. Seth will be here any minute, hopefully not long enough to give Jason the time to kill me.

I turn to look at him. "Just to make sure before I allow you inside my home and give you full access to my kitchen where my knives are at, you're not a serial killer?"

He laughs. "No. Not today, anyway. The weather outside too nice."

I laugh but I don't know whether he's joking or he has a very dark sense of humor for a serial killer. I turn back to my door and start unlocking the it. Just then, Judith, my next door neighbor walks out of her home with her husband Tom. They both turn almost automatically toward my home and their eyes widen at the sight of the strange man holding my grocery bags.

"Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Baron," Jason said from behind me. He knows them?

They turn their attention to him and give him a friendly smile.

"Good afternoon, Jason," Tom said with a big smile.

"How are you today, Jason?" Judith asked.

"Oh just being a good Samaritan," he said.

I unlock my door.

"Well, take care of yourself," Tom said. He turned to me and his smile immediately fell. Wow. "Mrs. Cullen." Judith didn't say anything else and they both walked the opposite direction.

Jason walks in behind me and says, "Not big with neighbors?"

"I'm not their cup of tea. Not after what happened to Edward, news travels fast through states." Okay, why? Why? Why did I have to say that allowed? Especially to a total stranger. "Uh, you can leave the bags on the counter."

Jason places the bags down. "Edward?"

I nod slowly, looking down at my keys. "My husband."

"Is he not big with neighbors?" He asked, trying to joke.

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