Chapter 39

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Edward's P.O.V

Jasper takes my face between his hands. The bastard has a big smile on his face and he's still laughing. He's relieved, we both are. I thought I was about to die. Marvin didn't tell me one of the sides effects of crawling an eight mile hole that tightens the further you go down was the slow drift into madness. I was so close into giving into exhaustion, just die in that hole and never come back but something happened.

I saw Bella. I saw her in our house all alone, looking at the empty space with a devastated look on her beautiful face and in her arms she held a little girl. A beautiful little girl with long curly bronze hair and deep chocolate eyes. The little girl had a pout on her face and she looked at my Bella and asked, "Do we have to go?"

And Bella nodded. "Yes, we have to go. Daddy is not coming home."

Just the thought, the image of them living without me was enough to push me up, through weak arms and my exhausted body. I crawled the extra mile, Marvin had already made it to the end. I could hear their scared voices, Jasper kept panicking, asking Marvin over and over, "Where the hell is he? Are you sure he was right behind you?"

And Marvin would say, "Yes, yes. I kept encouraging him to continue. My God, he better have kept going. If he's gone..."

"No, no, no. He's not gone. That bastard can't be gone, I'll go down there and drag him up myself. You hear me, Edward!" He shouted into the hole. "You better get your ass up her because I have a wife and a baby on the way that are waiting for you! You better keep moving!" 

I did and when they saw me, they both launched to drag me out of the hole. Now, here I am, looking at the broken sky through the tree branches and gasping for air. The cold wind hits me, wrapping itself around me like silk. I can feel myself smile weakly but my body is too exhausted to keep the smile. Jasper is still smiling like an idiot and slaps my face a couple times before pushing himself on the ground.

"I thought we lost you for sure," Jasper gasped.

I smile weakly, my eyes close and I say, "You just can't live without me, can ya?"

Jasper scuffs. "I wouldn't have a life to live. Bella would kill my ass for your dumbass." There's a slight pause. "But I'm glad you're okay."

"Yeah... The hard part is not over yet," Marvin whispered. I feel him sit beside my head. "This is only the beginning, we need to change and we need to get the hell out of here before the prison start to notice two inmates are gone."

"What time is it?" I ask with all the calmness in the world.

I feel Jasper get up and drops a heavy bag on my stomach. I groan and look at him standing above me. "It's almost seven in the morning. We need to hurry. I need to get you both to a car and be back home before anyone notices I'm gone. Now, Bella doesn't know yet about any of this, so it might shock her to see you but you're gonna have to be calm and explain to her that this whole thing was your idea before you drag her out of the country."

I sit up, avoiding looking over my shoulder because I'm sure Marvin is changing. "I need to make a stop first."

Jasper looks at me like I'm crazy. "What? There is no time to run errands, the fuck? You're a fugitive, you hear me? You literally just crawled out of the hell hole which means we have an hour or two, the most, before we have the whole country looking for you. We don't have time for stops. You're going to get your wife and you're getting the hell out of here."

Marvin steps in, fully clothed in the clothes Jasper brought us. "He's right. That thing you want to do is reckless and it's going to get you back in that hell hole, if not dead. Then you can forget everything about your wife and kid."

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