Chapter 44

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Edward's P.O.V

I pull on my handcuffs again, only for them to clatter against the bed railing. I pull again but there's not much improvement from the last five times I've tried. I'm still handcuffed to the fucking bed. Great, I get shot at and I'm still the one that gets handcuffed to the bed. The cops don't move from the outside of my door. I get shot at and I'm still treated like a criminal.

The door opens and to my greater shock, Carlisle is allowed in. What the hell is he doing here? He looks at the cop beside the door, who nods and mouths five minutes before closing the door.

"How are you feeling, Edward?" He asked.

"Not as good as it can be expected," I tell him. "Where's Bella? Is she okay? How is she handling this?"

He shifts in his spot, obviously uncomfortable. The monitor beside me starts acting up, something in his eyes tell me that something isn't right. He takes a seat beside me.

"She's stable."

I sigh with relief. "That's good. That's good, right?"

He nods. "Yes. They're keeping here at least until tomorrow afternoon and they'll go to the house Esme and I rented until this whole thing is situated."

"What are you talking about? Who's they? What happened to Bella?"

Carlisle sighs. "After you were shot, Bella went into labor."

Labor? Bella went into labor?


"They had to deliver the baby immediately before any casualty and they've kept an eye on her ever since."

"Bella gave birth?"

"To a baby girl," he confirms. He fucking confirms. My wife went into labor and I wasn't there. My wife gave immediate birth, shortly after her husband had been shot right in front of her and I'm convinced that's what triggered it.

Anger starts rising up and I yank on the handcuffs even harder. "Let go! Let me go! I need to see them!" I roar, pulling on the handcuffs, ignoring the metal pinching my skin and the blood flowing down my wrists. "I have to see her! Let me go!"

"Edward, calm down!" Carlisle stands up and pushes me against the bed. That doesn't stop my fighting. I keep fighting against the metal with no result. "Nurse! We need a nurse right now!"

There's a sudden commotion in the room, doctors, nurses, Carlisle and cops. They all are shouting at each other as I try to break free from my retainments with no success. No long after, I'm pinned on the bed and a doctor injects something into my IV. Carlisle is the last thing I see above me, assuring me something with his eyes, saying something I cannot understand. Just before I slip into darkness, I hear her. I hear Bella.

* * *

I wake up to voices in the room. When I open my eyes, there's two men in my room talking to the officers that were guarding my door. I recognize one of them as one of the attorneys in the room when I was taken to jail. What are they doing here? I clear my throat to call for their attention to me. They turn to me and I can say they're a little shocked to see me awake. How long have I been asleep?

I look down at my arms and pull them up, expecting to feel the restrain of the handcuffs. But I don't. I look at my bandaged wrists with no handcuffs. There's no handcuffs.

"Where are my handcuffs?" I ask, lifting my arms higher just to make sure I'm not imagining anything.

One of the men in suits clears his throat. "I'm Attorney Hunt. How are you feeling, Mr. Cullen?"

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